


Sa 03.06.2023

Beiträge: 16.203Folgt: 267Folgende: 155

Fifteen years at the other place. Post Punk tech Luddite. First toot June 2 2023.


Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 01:12:16

Occasionally I’ll manage to have shifted the accent color of the Glyphs and URL highlights in iOS app to some bright magenta leaning purple without figuring out how or why that even happened.

I figure out how to set it back to what I’m used to, but in doing so, you realize it actually isn’t a page in settings you can casually bump into by mistake.

I wonder how it happens, and if it’s some sort of a bug?


Föderation EN Di 10.10.2023 16:19:00

@headswap @feditips

There has to be some kid that has never called them goombas or recognized any of the mushroom characters as mushrooms. I’m certain that some kids thought they were turds.