
Michael Bishop ☕


Mi 23.11.2022

Beiträge: 1.264Folgt: 186Folgende: 253

Climate Activist, vegan, reader, hard headed, wannabe writer, believer in degrowth. Choosing to change before Climate Change makes me change.

Born at a time when CO2 levels were at 322.55 ppm.

Michael Bishop ☕

Föderation EN Fr 17.01.2025 06:09:55

@dansup Hi Dan, I can log into the website but not app. My email/UN is michael@wearechanging.org

Thanks for looking into this.

Michael Bishop ☕

Föderation EN Mi 20.09.2023 23:42:58

@utzer @feditips @mooklepticon that's my issue with this. Unless a person follows lots of people or is on a large server they see very little.