
AndyGER :verified_coffee:


Di 04.06.2024

Beiträge: 6.563Folgt: 500Folgende: 841

I am a German living and working in Vienna, Austria. I am a pacifist, an Antifascist, a Democrat, a European with all my Heart. I am an optimist. I love Movies, video games and hiking. I love riding my bike but Vienna isn´t the best place to enjoy it. I love all different kinds of people. I don´t want to hate. I am an open-minded positive-thinking person ...

Bierpartei Mitglied: bierpartei.eu/mach-mit/

Blusky: bsky.app/profile/andreas-heitm

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Do 03.10.2024 23:15:49

@Tusky About that "bug" when hangs up while writing a shared post: now I gut that very same issue with a post shared from towards .

So I guess it's an issue with on my phone.

My apologies. It's quite confusing though ...

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Di 17.09.2024 18:02:07

Still ... is NOT reliable! FUCK!

Same bug. Entered text is gone when the app decides to gang up during writing.

Better app: !!!

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Fr 30.08.2024 19:07:03


I have found a .

When I press the send button during upload of a picture for example the app will crash. I can reproduce this anytime ...

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation EN Do 29.08.2024 20:54:26

In search for a better Mastodon App I was trying two apps: Pachli and Fedilab.

Both apps are not new.

The first App didn't aloney to upload pictures and answered the attend with an error message.

The second app hang up and crashed after playing with the Options menu for a few minutes.

I do not understand this!

Why do programmers release their software and such a bad status? I mean, both apps are out there for quite a while.

Buggy = normal 😳😞

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Do 29.08.2024 16:51:47

Was mich ja auf schon ein wenig nervt, ist der Umstand, dass beim Anklicken auf den Stern der Link entfaltet wird und man dann erst wieder scrollen muss, bis man auf den RT button klicken kann. Außerdem verschwindet der Beitrag dann gerne mal aus dem Fokus (ja wo isser denn?).

Bei ist mir selbiges noch nicht aufgefallen.

Aber vielleicht mache ich ja auch was falsch ... ;-)

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Mi 28.08.2024 22:43:37

And again:

A crash of when using a copied link in combination with a user mention with an @ that opens the window to select zje particular user.

I really don't get it ... @Tusky

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Mi 21.08.2024 23:38:22

Update error with ...

(Medien: 1)

AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Mi 21.08.2024 13:34:16

An , that doesn't call home to

Open Board (F-Droid) is here to help ...


AndyGER :verified_coffee:

AndyGER :verified_coffee: (@andreas_heitmann@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Do 01.08.2024 11:15:34

This is a fantastic example of a good UI and a forward thinking of the programmer(s).

offers not only an option for font sizes for the articles within itself but also scalable font sizes for the itself.

With this someone like me who is shortsighted an app is highly usable.

Thank you very much, @Tusky !

Let's see if the app is now more stable when using external links ... ;-)

The tusky options menu with not only scalable fonts for the articles but also for the GUI itself. This helps a lot ...

(Medien: 1)