
Bob Jonkman

Föderation EN Mi 06.11.2024 23:47:20

Hey @fdroid Just now I was writing a fairly long e-mail in @thunderbird when it updated and stopped abruptly. I lost the contents of my e-mail, it wasn't even in the drafts folder.

I would much prefer not to be interrupted with an update while working in an app, but if that can't be avoided then have the app shut down gracefully so it saves work in progress.

Is this a known issue? Should I file a bug report? A feature enhancement request?

Thx for all the other great work, tho!

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Föderation EN Di 12.11.2024 19:56:46

@bobjonkman @fdroid Thanks for tagging us in this - it's good to know in case we have people reporting this issue on our end!