
Daniel Durrans

Föderation EN Mi 23.10.2024 22:37:34

I am a street photographer, making candid photographs of people in public spaces. Documenting our public areas in this way allows me to capture the humour, mundanity, beauty and inelegance of daily life in our urban environment.

I am also a technology leader working in the mobility and fleet automotive sector, with occasional toots about EVs.

Likely to toot about:

- (UK)
- Tech
- Politics (Local & national)

Daniel Durrans

Föderation EN Mi 23.10.2024 22:52:41

I made this photo while walking through the City of London in May this year. After two years of pandemic, and all restrictions recently lifted, was this a reminder of the past or a portent of what was soon to come?

Photograph of a person walking along a pavement, past a store front with 'Last Day' written on the window. They are carrying a tote bag with the words 'Rough Trade' written on the side.

(Medien: 1)

Daniel Durrans

Föderation EN Mi 23.10.2024 22:58:50

Bristol has been dubbed the City of Protest, with rarely a week going by without a demonstration or march winding through the streets.

This photo was made in in September 2020 after a series of Black Lives Matter protests were held in the city as a response to the killing of George Floyd.

Photograph of a protest marching along a street. In the foreground a protestor holds a megaphone to her lips while in the background smoke flares trail grey smoke and a banner reads, "All Black Lives Matter"

(Medien: 1)

Daniel Durrans

Föderation EN Mi 23.10.2024 23:00:30

One week after the statue of slave trader Edward Colston was pulled from this plinth, this All Lives Matter protest was held with the stated goal of, "protecting the Cenotaph".

It wasn't clear to me who they were protecting it from or why they thought it was under threat.

Photograph of a man waving a Union Jack flag while standing on top of the plinth where the statue of Edward Colston once stood. Around the bottom of the plinth stand a group of protestors swigging beer and chanting. Between the photographer and the protestors is a line of police in fluorescent jackets.

(Medien: 1)

Daniel Durrans

Föderation EN Do 24.10.2024 08:04:54

Our lives are filled with moments of hilarity, stupidity, absurdity, and frustration. I like to be there to make photographs of life, as it happens.

I made this photograph in an area of Bristol known as The Bear Pit. It was a haven of self expression through graffiti that changed weekly, but due in part to anti-social behaviour was sterilised back to being an underpass through a roundabout.

Photograph of stairs leading down to a pedestrian underpass. Emerging from the underpass is a van, with two workpeople in high-viz clothing. The van looks like it is stuck and can't get out from the underpass.

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