

Föderation EN Do 04.04.2024 15:12:00

1/4 🚨Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union's new proposal is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

The new approach suggests a number of harmful & privacy-eroding ‘solutions’. Once again putting people's digital safety at risk.🤐

Read more from @ella @je5perl edri.org/our-work/rearranging-


Föderation EN Do 04.04.2024 15:12:37

2/4 @edri is concerned with the latest Council proposal because it:

🔸allows to be issued very broadly
🔸bases suggestion for repeated flagging reporting on statistical misunderstandings
🔸encourages age verification & turn-off of encryption by default


Föderation EN Do 04.04.2024 15:12:57

3/4🔴Another red flag in the new proposal:

Proposed reliance on the EU Commission for risk criteria decisions DESPITE
➡️Serious allegations of non-impartiality around the Commissioner in charge of CSAR
➡️DG HOME’s alleged undue closeness with the surveillance tech industry