

Föderation EN Do 13.06.2024 14:36:49

1/3 Today, @EUCouncil will discuss High-Level Group's recommendations on law enforcement's access data.

🚨TL;DR: The group's report failed to provide rights-respecting solutions. Their solutions are invasive, enable bulk surveillance & increase security risks.

High-Level Group “Going Dark” outcome: A mission failure

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN Do 13.06.2024 14:37:01

2/3 The group failed to assess the technical feasibility of its magical recommendations.❌

Instead, it deferred the research on the unsolvable conundrum of accessing encrypted data without breaking encryption to another group.

Read more: edri.org/our-work/high-level-g


Föderation EN Do 13.06.2024 14:37:09

3/3 Group rebrands old ideas & policies, reflecting a flawed political orientation.

The initiative prioritised law enforcement interests at the expense of balanced representation, transparency & accountability.

Read more: edri.org/our-work/high-level-g