

Föderation EN Do 18.07.2024 22:03:19

Usually I save my work announcements for the @flickrfdn account but this is one I've been playing with in my non-work time.

You can now browse Flickr Commons photos via a "map view" for the images which have location metadata. Zoom in and find images with No Known Copyright Restrictions from places you are interested in. So fun.


I can see my house from here (almost)! Excellent fun new toy built by @alex

a screenshot of this web page showing a map of Vermont centered on Randolph where I live. It has circles with numbers in them on the map, indicating numbers of photos in those areas including my town.

(Medien: 1)

Nelson Minar

Föderation EN Do 18.07.2024 22:05:37

@jessamyn @flickrfdn @alex woo congratulations!


Föderation EN Do 18.07.2024 22:24:21

@heidilifeldman 1866, my word!


Föderation EN Do 18.07.2024 22:59:49

@jessamyn @flickrfdn @alex

That is very cool. Found one civil war photo taken within a mile of my house.

🌈  Andrew ☄️

Föderation EN Do 18.07.2024 23:42:17

@jessamyn very cool! I’m surprised there’s 40ish photos from the small town I live when there’s only 75k shared worldwide. Out of interest, what portion of commons photos are geotagged?


Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 01:03:21

@bnut I'm not sure, I think @alex may know more specifics.


Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 01:53:14

@jessamyn @bnut Yup, we have all those numbers:

52,644 photos have geotags
1.8M photos in Commons
So ~3% of photos have locations

🌈  Andrew ☄️

Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 02:01:37

@alex @jessamyn nifty! I wonder if Flickr could incentivise more geotags on commons, it sounds like the sort of thing both Flickr and archivists would benefit from :)

Luke Harby

Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 00:38:45

@jessamyn that's amazing, kudos.


Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 01:02:13

@natematias @flickrfdn @alex You love to see it.


Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 14:47:48

@jessamyn that’s cool! There aren’t any in my city. I’ll have to contribute. :)

Stephen Cook

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 13:19:39

@jessamyn @flickrfdn @alex What a cabinet of curiosities!

I found a drawing of a nearby primary (elementary) school in Reading (UK), with a horse-drawn tram in the foreground. The drawing is by the school's architects, and somehow found its way into the collections of Cornell University Library (different continent, over 3400 miles away).

Andy Piper

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 09:06:03

@jessamyn @flickrfdn @alex @m nice work, this is super cool! I see that one of the labels in the selection list is “tockholm Transport Museum” - I’m guessing an S was dropped accidentally?

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 10:16:03

@andypiper @jessamyn @flickrfdn Good spot!

That’s the name of the account on Flickr, because their buddy icon used to be a large stylised “S”: flickr.com/people/stockholmtra

I’ve just this morning pushed a workaround for this account so the Commons Explorer will add the “S” for us, so the filter looks right now 😄

Andy Piper

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 13:29:22

@alex @jessamyn @flickrfdn TIL! Thanks for making things a little less confusing 🙂