

· Föderation EN Di 05.11.2024 01:23:23

@MeanwhileinCanada Bear in mind that womens' rights encompass so much more than clothing. Iran under the Shah was an absolute dictatorship - sorry, "monarchy" - and the secret police, SAVAK, would routinely imprison, torture, and kill people who disagreed with the regime too vocally. When the theocrats took over in 1979, they reused to facilities and rehired the staff.

Let's not romanticize the Shah's autocracy, which was installed by US/UK interests to protect its oil revenues.

canleaf08 ⌘  ✅

Föderation EN Di 05.11.2024 01:31:07

@klausfiend @MeanwhileinCanada The SAVAK became SAVAMA/VEVAK.