


Fr 26.04.2024

Beiträge: 1.819Folgt: 26Folgende: 19.653

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Föderation EN Do 27.02.2025 01:16:01

Pedro Pascal responding to transphobia on social media: “I can’t think of anything more vile and small and pathetic than terrorizing the smallest, most vulnerable community of people who want nothing from you, except the right to exist.” capitalfm.com/news/pedro-pasca


Föderation EN Mo 26.08.2024 18:48:02

Hoooooollllyyy shit! It’s a brand new episode of Every Frame a Painting!! The first one in *eight years*. The seminal YouTube series returns with a video about the sustained two-shot. kottke.org/24/08/-new-every-fr


Föderation EN Mi 05.06.2024 21:32:01

In the last 10 years, Paris has closed 100 streets to cars, removed 50,000 parking spots, tripled parking fees for SUVs, and built more than 800 miles of bike lanes. “Those changes have contributed to a 40% decline in air pollution.” nbcnews.com/science/environmen


Föderation EN Fr 10.05.2024 19:06:02

A love letter to bicycle maintenance and repair. “Learning to fix bicycles has changed my outlook on manual labor, on the nature of work, and ultimately on life itself.” tegowerk.eu/posts/bicycle-repa


Föderation EN Fr 03.05.2024 18:42:01

The Flashlight Gun Is Peak WTF America. How does a police officer “accidentally” shoot his gun thinking it’s a flashlight? Because they *put a second trigger on the gun for the light, right below the first trigger!!!* kottke.org/24/05/the-flashligh