
Lauren Weinstein

· Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 17:37:45

@FediTips @ParadeGrotesque @energisch_ More guides is more confusion. Users "stumbling" onto Mastodon for the first time via an external URL need to know clearly and succinctly what to do next, based on zero knowledge of noncentralized platforms.


Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 17:45:16

@lauren @ParadeGrotesque @energisch_

I do try to assume zero knowledge in my guide, but it's inherent in a federated network that there is never a single point of entry, or single way to sign up.

It's similar to email, there is no single guide to email but many different guides that cover how to use it in slightly different ways.

Some of the guides are really, really simple short videos that serve as a good quick intro:


Hippasus500 aka jwn2

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 17:45:30

@energisch_ @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips @lauren
I don’t agree, Lauren. If I ran an instance (I don’t, so consider that about the worthiness of my advice <wink>), I’d promote a guide that I thought made the most sense to me.

My assumption is that people choosing my instance share at least some of my sensibilities — what appeals to me may also appeal to them.

But YMMV. So maybe I give alternatives, too.

Lauren Weinstein

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 17:48:04

@Hippasus500 @energisch_ @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips ProTip: Most people used to centralized social media platforms only -- and that 99.999% I'd wager -- don't care a bit about the focus of individual servers. They just want to get online and start communicating. The whole concept of "sharing my sensibilities to choose my server" is completely meaningless to most people. This is why Mastodon fails.

Mensch, Marina

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 17:49:07

@lauren Mastodon doesn't fail if you look at the sign up numbers @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips

Michael Bishop ☕

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:01:51

@energisch_ @lauren @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips you look at many of theose on Mastodon and they are fairly techie. It won't attract the regular person on the street.

Lauren Weinstein

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:03:54

@MichaelBishop @energisch_ @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips And yet I've dealt with innumerable highly technical people who have wanted to get on Mastodon and found the flow confusing. Often they managed to create an account somewhere and then ... NOW WHAT? And yeah, there are helpful people around, if you can find them, and others that just blow people off with the "if you can't figure it out you don't DESERVE to be here" crap. That's the reality. Still.


Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:08:27

@lauren @MichaelBishop @energisch_ @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque

The main stumbling block is possibly that people are only used to centralised social media where there's one website, one app, one way of doing things.

But if you asked them to sign up for email or phone networks etc, they would have no trouble navigating the much wider range of providers and options.

Non-techy people are definitely capable of using this place, it just takes a bit of time to get used to it being different.

George Station

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:24:21

@FediTips @lauren @MichaelBishop @energisch_ @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque

Lauren & Fedi are saying what matches my experience. Mastodon needs widely accessible community support.

I'm grateful for FediTips and various docs I stumbled across. But it was sheer luck at the beginning, logging in when tips crossed my feed.

I taught campus tech to first-year students for over a decade, when Prensky's "digital native" metaphor was new—and wrong. Newbies, even able CS folks, need basic intros.

Parade du Grotesque 💀

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:08:42


Yeah, well, they get the neo-nazis and the maga cultists, we get the tech bros and the compulsive explainers or mansplainers.

Potato, potatoes, etc.

@MichaelBishop @energisch_ @Hippasus500 @FediTips

Hippasus500 aka jwn2

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 18:18:33

@lauren @ParadeGrotesque @MichaelBishop @energisch_ @FediTips

Oh, I’d say that amongst the millions (estimates vary…) of denizens of the Fediverse, you’ll find stripes of anything you can imagine.

Let’s say there are 15M people with Fediverse accounts. Statistically, 37,000+ of them score over 140 on a standard IQ test.