Mi 02.11.2022
Beiträge: 1.404Folgt: 496Folgende: 79
Intro (replace " wild west" by "world wild web"): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-L7ZOD9BV4&pp=ygUYTW9uIG5vbSBlc3QgcGVyc29ubmUgZmlu
European guy interested in cryptography, privacy, token economy, DAO/web3, Solarpunk, Cyberpunk, local money combined with green decentralized energy and anything that allows to (re)-create a really decentralized internet and society whose decisions and actions are based on freedom to collaborate, like in the early days of linux and internet....but applied to the current challenges of the society... I like also vinho verde, brewdog punk, cigars, happy chat in FR EN...and also working in cybersecurity. Fan of cyberpunk: web of angels, John m. Ford , neuromancer, ... Even in god, i do not trust...
pronoun | he |
likes | indie rock |
likes | cyberpunk |
was | cypherpunk |
respects | privacy |
likes | debates/dream/create |