
Simon Poole


Di 26.04.2022

Beiträge: 1.225Folgt: 75Folgende: 736

Father, jack of many trades, open data cynic. Somewhat involved with OpenStreetMap.

Allergic to monopolies and have a knack of making myself unpopular with them.

Simon Poole

Föderation EN Fr 11.08.2023 16:17:28

The downsides of being frugal.

The Foundation spends, even with a slightly more ambitious budget this year than previously, less than %1 of what WMF/Wikipedia does, but is struggling to make ends meet.

There is no threat a la the infamous Wikipedia ads that the project will shut down, but without the funds activities will have to be cut back significantly.

If you consider OSM valuable consider supporting.openstreetmap.org/