

Christian Pietsch 🍑

Christian Pietsch 🍑 (@christian@suma-ev.social)

Föderation DE Mo 17.06.2024 23:12:47

ist eine sehr leistungsfähige Android-App fürs Fediverse. Man bekommt sie bei .

Leider ist sie kaum dokumentiert. Darum beschreibe ich jetzt ein Feature, das ich erst heute gefunden habe:

📣 Fedilab kann die lokalen Timelines ferner Mastodon-Instanzen anzeigen!

– ferne Timeline einblenden: ein Profil der Instanz aufrufen > Dönermenü oben rechts > Folge Instanz

– ferne Timeline ausblenden: Sidebar > Meine App > Timelines verwalten


WebCoder49 (@WebCoder49@floss.social)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 12:18:26

I've just noticed that (@apps) is listed as "Paid" on joinmastodon.org/apps/ . This hasn't been the case in my experience - it appears completely gratis and libre on . Is this a mistake?

Christian Pietsch 🍑

Christian Pietsch 🍑 (@christian@suma-ev.social)

Föderation EN Mi 12.06.2024 20:28:31

Has anyone found out how to remove an account from the app?

Note that I don't want to remove the account on the server.

/cc @apps

Update: I was told to tap on the avatar and use the doner menu in top right corner of the sidebar.


PaulaToThePeople (@PaulaToThePeople@climatejustice.social)

Föderation EN Di 28.05.2024 20:31:54

:fedi: : Did you know you can use the Fediverse to write your future self a letter?

If you have a secondary account that you can use with a client that has a post scheduling feature, then you can send a private message to your main account that will arrive in a week, 3 months or 10 years.

If you don't have such an account yet, you can e.g. get a secondary Mastodon account (hint: climatejustice.social has a 5000 characters limit) and use e.g. Tusky or Fedilab.

Then you'll just have to stay active in the Fediverse and you might get regular letters from your past. 😊

Fedilab Apps

Fedilab Apps (@apps@toot.fedilab.app)

Föderation EN So 19.05.2024 19:04:25

is 7 years old, thank you for your trust and your help!

Ren 🐧

Ren 🐧 (@rogueren@vt.social)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 02:54:31

Back to , still has too many little things that feel unpolished (Theming is incomplete as some parts are still blue regardless of what custom colors I pick, some text is unreadable in DMs due to backgroud colors, DMs would send replies twice, etc). It just feels like it has way too much going on and not enough time or hands to polish everything up.

@Tusky on the other hand is just missing a quote post button, and that's all. And sometimes notifications break but I'm not sure if that's Tusky's fault or something else like ntfy acting up.

Fedilab Apps

Fedilab Apps (@apps@toot.fedilab.app)

Föderation EN Mo 29.04.2024 00:55:02

If your instance supports quoting or reactions, you can use these options with .
Just go in settings and enable extra-features.
This is not a super-power, your instance must support and also follow conventions

Fedilab Apps

Fedilab Apps (@apps@toot.fedilab.app)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 23:26:33

The new website uses Material design from beercss.com/

We started to upgrade and we might switch to this new design.

PS: Currently, you need first to upload media before adding a description with FediPlan.


Fedilab Apps

Fedilab Apps (@apps@toot.fedilab.app)

Föderation EN Mo 15.04.2024 20:34:52

You are many to join . We will improve the UX for adding several accounts. We have been warned about this issue.

If you have several accounts, Fedilab has an interesting feature for you.

Just long press action buttons (boost, like, bookmark, reply, follow, etc.)
That will allow you to finish the action with another account without switching.
The app will do everything in the background for you (search, federate, do the action). So you will never lose what you were doing.

Fedilab Apps

Fedilab Apps (@apps@toot.fedilab.app)

Föderation EN Mo 15.04.2024 12:31:28

The new website for has been published. More content will be added.


Source code: codeberg.org/tom79/website