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hhmx.de, angetrieben von Mammuthus, ist Teil eines dezentralisierten sozialen Netzwerks, genannt Fediverse (federated universe, föderiertes Universum), bestehend aus tausenden Knotenpunkten (Instanzen, Servern) mit Millionen Nutzenden weltweit.

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IzzyOnDroid ✅

Föderation EN Mi 12.03.2025 22:51:28

To the developers having their apps at – our download now also have a break-down by client, if you want to see which of the F-Droid clients people use to get/update your app: codeberg.org/IzzyOnDroid/iodst

("_unknown" are all other user-agents, including browsers, crawlers and whats-nots)

Find instructions (with some commands on how to extract those data for your app) in the Readme there.

Once more, thanks to @nlnet making this possible with the Mobifree grant! 😍

Excerpt from a JSON stats file showing the download statistics for 3 apps on 2024-12-08.

(Medien: 1)

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