
404 Media

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:42:25

"Everything I say leaks," Zuckerberg says in leaked meeting audio. "It sucks"



Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:44:40


That headline is art.

jenn schiffer

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:44:58

@404mediaco literally lol’d


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:45:22

@404mediaco hmmm, I wonder if it's because you have a very low trust environment/you have endless opposition and your employees give zero fucks about keeping it under wraps πŸ€”

dirty badwrong person

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:07:58

@LiquidParasyte @404mediaco 100% sure what he wants to say is connected to an ultimate desire to see all queer people put into gas chambers


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:47:50

@404mediaco he's not a fast learner, evidently


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:48:35

@404mediaco Perhaps not coincidentally, little to nothing leaked when people that worked there actually believed in the then mission of connecting people.

Now that it's all gone off the rails, of course people are going to leak all the lunacy that goes on.


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:49:21

@404mediaco Maybe he should stop saying awful things and enabling fascist wannabes. He might be pleasantly surprised by the results of...you know...not contributing to and empowering the end of Democracy.

Arthur van der Harg

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:51:36

@404mediaco Yeah, it Zucks.


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 22:54:50

@404mediaco Try not being a Nazi collaborator.


Föderation ES Do 30.01.2025 22:56:32

@404mediaco The Guy that built an empire out of the privacy of others complains about not having any privacy...

Magnus Hedemark

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:03:35

@404mediaco must suck being surrounded by people who feel entitled to your every private moment, huh?

Orca 🌻 | πŸŽ€ | πŸͺ | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️

Föderation · Do 30.01.2025 23:10:13

Sucks to be you. Now you know how it feels to be sold by you


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:11:20

@404mediaco Maybe if his statements weren't all fascist support, they wouldn't cause such a ruckus?

🇨🇦 OhOkKay

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:19:29

While reading the 404 article, I got a drop down "Congratulations your 1000 ... Google " scam.
Didn't know that shit was still around.

Asta [AMP]

Föderation · Do 30.01.2025 23:21:43

@404mediaco@mastodon.social "am I... am I a fascist boot-licking asshole who has helped not one but two genocides and people dislike me for it??"

"no, it is the wokes that are wrong."


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:23:39

@404mediaco maybe stfu then


Föderation · Do 30.01.2025 23:23:52

@404mediaco Pretty sure the irony went far above his head, it's priceless!!

Leefeller Guy

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:25:31

@404mediaco I want to know more about the Ostrich?


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:26:13

@404mediaco I love you so much.

Justin :popos: :rss:

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:26:28

@404mediaco "Suckerberg"


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:30:00

@404mediaco big if true

Andrew 🌻 Brandt πŸ‡

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:31:10

@404mediaco funny how "maybe I shouldn't be such a shitweasel" never occurs to him


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:58:30

@threatresearch @404mediaco

As a consultant for 38 years, it was my fate to know some famous and wealthy people. One grumbled about how he feared people gossiping about him - but he said - if you're good to people on your way up, you don't have to worry about what they'll say about you.

Andrew 🌻 Brandt πŸ‡

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:59:30

@tuban_muzuru @404mediaco seems like a deeply human way to respond, which is probably why Zuck can't quite manage it


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:01:57

@threatresearch @404mediaco

Zuck screwed so many people on his way up - the whole basis for FB was objectifying women and gossiping. And, of course - selling our data. Zuck was, as they say, born ugly. I don't believe he understand the harm he causes.


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:35:01

@404mediaco πŸ˜‚ has he considered just shutting the fuck up and going away?


Föderation · Do 30.01.2025 23:37:22

@404 Media It "zucks"??? Aha. Whatever.

Log 🪵

Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:42:02

@404mediaco Says the man slurping up and monetizing everything everyone else says on or around a Meta-branded app. You did this to yourself, sentient toilet brush.


Föderation EN Do 30.01.2025 23:45:18


"As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared."

- Erica Albright in The Social Network (2010)


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:35:07

@404mediaco LOL, maybe it's because everything he says sucks so badly.


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:36:26

@404mediaco "At an all hands meeting inside Meta Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg did not address Meta’s $25 million settlement with Donald Trump that will see the company paying $22 million for the eventual establishment of the Trump Presidential Library."

What is even in a Trump Presidential Library? Stolen secret documents?

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:44:22

@CStamp @404mediaco does the Library also serve as a bathroom in Maralago?


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:44:40

Get used to it.

New Slang

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 00:55:06

@404mediaco And to that I say: Uhhh, fricking GOOD. Motherfu*kerberg and his ramen noodle-assed self can gargle one. One thousand princess points to every leaker and squeaker in that place. They have my undying πŸ™ gratitude.

Ayo Ayco

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:02:30

@404mediaco πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Mustardon ~ IWRY πŸ¦…

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:21:20

Zucks to be you.
Poor impoverished child.


Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 01:35:52

@404mediaco your employees fucking loathe you zuck, congrats.

Jeff Olson

Föderation EN Fr 31.01.2025 02:04:51

@404mediaco … says the guy who literally sells as much of your private information as he can possibly gather. The lack of self awareness of all these grifters is shocking.