


Mo 27.02.2023

Beiträge: 4.886Folgt: 76Folgende: 14

Σεισάχθεια, my favorite word.
Make Orwell fictional again - Repost / like / follow ≠ endorsement - ☆ = agree / like
Εγώ είμαι κοσμοπολίς - If I ever had a starship, I'd name her "Earth Born, Home Bound"

BlueSky - Only works on phone not PADD for some odd reason, so content probably delayed by months.

@ Rudy13 . bSky . Social

Twitter - Was hoping to transfer over by 2025 US inauguration day but doing it by hand is difficult

@ Anonymouse1981

Mastodon - Only works on PADD not phone because apparently I didn't write down the sign up info everywhere.

@ Anonomouse1981 @ Mstdn . Social

Per above, my abilities with gods damn computer / PADD / phone programs is exasperating.

Frak My Life 😪


Föderation EN Do 23.01.2025 08:22:07

Why is it that we have to tap back button twice to return to the search function that perpetually deleted what we were looking for to have to retype it every time to click on someone to return to the search function that deletes what we were looking for to force us to retype...