Mo 27.02.2023
Beiträge: 4.886Folgt: 76Folgende: 14
Σεισάχθεια, my favorite word.
Make Orwell fictional again - Repost / like / follow ≠ endorsement - ☆ = agree / like
Εγώ είμαι κοσμοπολίς - If I ever had a starship, I'd name her "Earth Born, Home Bound"
BlueSky - Only works on phone not PADD for some odd reason, so content probably delayed by months. | @ Rudy13 . bSky . Social |
Twitter - Was hoping to transfer over by 2025 US inauguration day but doing it by hand is difficult | @ Anonymouse1981 |
Mastodon - Only works on PADD not phone because apparently I didn't write down the sign up info everywhere. | @ Anonomouse1981 @ Mstdn . Social |
Per above, my abilities with gods damn computer / PADD / phone programs is exasperating. | Frak My Life 😪 |
Föderation EN Do 23.01.2025 08:22:07 @FediTips |