
Conny Duck

Conny Duck (@ConnyDuck@chaos.social)

Föderation EN So 14.04.2024 11:04:44

Jake in the desert

Jake in the desert (@jake4480@c.im)

Föderation EN So 14.04.2024 11:15:59

@ConnyDuck I grabbed it but I'm still not seeing a translate option? Is it something I have to enable, or where would the button be?

Conny Duck

Conny Duck (@ConnyDuck@chaos.social)

Föderation EN So 14.04.2024 11:17:26

@jake4480 when your instance supports it, there will be an option in the three dot menu on statuses that are not in your display language

Jake in the desert

Jake in the desert (@jake4480@c.im)

Föderation EN So 14.04.2024 11:19:14

@ConnyDuck oh, there it is - thank you!! 🔥