
Don 🚫

Don 🚫 (@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social)

Föderation DE So 25.08.2024 17:56:47

@nex @ari @cloudron I never said to stop supporting IPv4. That is what Dualstack is for. But if I see companys in 2024 celebrating the "we somewhat support IPv6" this makes me roll my eyes.

ari :ariYeah:

ari :ariYeah: (@ari@ice.arimelody.me)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 18:03:03

@cloudron @nex @DonTheMaster service providers have demonstrated since IPv6's inception that they don't care enough to support it. it's not really a question of supporting both anymore; if you still support legacy, why bother putting in the effort upgrading?

pulling the plug on IPv4 may well be the only way that IPv6 finally approaches worldwide adoption. until then, we may be stuck in IPv4 hell forever


nex (@nex@fedi.transgender.ing)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 18:06:32

@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social @ari@ice.arimelody.me @cloudron@social.cloudron.io I honestly feel like celebrating IPv6 support is just a marketing technique to make their offerings more fancy and new and fast. Most non-technical people I know don't even really know what an IP is, why would they care about v4 or v6? As long as they can connect to YouTube or Netflix or Disney+, who cares?

It is annoying as hell, I agree, and I would LOVE to get rid of v4 and replace it with v6, but we
still just aren't in a place to do that, and as mentioned before, we will probably still be in v4 hell until companies have a really good reason to switch, but that really good reason looks to only be by disrupting the day to day lives of their customers.


cloudron (@cloudron@social.cloudron.io)

Föderation DE Mo 26.08.2024 14:20:07

@DonTheMaster maybe to put this in context, Cloudron always supported ipv6. The news here was that now servers without any ipv4 are also supported.

Next to VPS providers adding charges for ipv4, another driver for this was that users run servers from home, where nowadays often they don't have their own ipv4 address anymore to run a server on.