
Andrew Elwell

· Föderation EN Mo 25.03.2024 23:00:47

@mansr @revk @exador23

opening para found on a ground box review: "Skepticism has always been the mental blockage for many audiophiles to venture into uncharted waters."

well... Quite. Guess that's what's saving me from shelling out $$$$ for a wooden box.

Mans R

Föderation EN Mo 25.03.2024 23:27:53

@Elwell @revk @exador23 It's not just any box. It has Dracula's coffin dirt in it.

Andrew Elwell

Föderation EN Mo 25.03.2024 23:33:11

@mansr @revk @exador23 oh good call. Now I need to write up some blurb about heat fusing minerals and natural growth eucalyptus, and scoop up post bushfire charred earth.