
Erik Uden ⁂πŸ₯₯πŸŒ΄πŸ‘

Erik Uden ⁂πŸ₯₯πŸŒ΄πŸ‘ (@ErikUden@mastodon.de)

Föderation EN Do 25.07.2024 23:28:05

@marielaure It's horrible. As a German the framing immediately goes to β€œhe's asking for genocide and forcing everyone into a political discussion...” β€” which is not what's happening.

The fact simply showing a watermelon, or a watermelon in the shape of the Palestinian state, equates the erasure of Israel or the erasure of Jews etc. is silly. Every article I've read asked for a statement by everyone except for the person that wore the T-Shirt.

Do you remember the genocide of Czechoslovakia in 1992? Where the entire country disappeared over night? Oh, the legal entity was just disbanded and turned into Czechia and Slovakia and nobody died? Huh, almost as if even asking for the dismemberment of a state doesn't equate genocide and anyone who says it does is being disingenuous.

Additionally anyone that claims wearing a T-Shirt like this even asks for the dismemberment of the Israeli state is ridiculous too.

Start a political debate, do it everywhere. Don't just claim β€œthis is what he must mean” because it's much more easy to assume than to talk.

Zoidberg For President

Zoidberg For President (@ZoidbergForPresident@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN Fr 26.07.2024 00:03:49

@ErikUden @marielaure Because in the minds of those genocidals pos, there can either be israel OR palestine, and only one... that's why they equate support for a "genocided" population as "genocide" of the other.