
Föderation EN Di 05.11.2024 16:56:19

A lot of people, especially vulnerable people, are scared right now.

If you need a quiet calm place to escape for a while, the excellent @radiofreefedi is now running a comfy live chat session tonight on their OwnCast channel at:

➡️ party.radiofreefedi.net

Chat is now switched on. You don't need an account, just join in. 🙂

Alternatively, if you don't want to chat but want to watch something relaxing, highly recommend the painting videos by @Coreyartus at:

➡️ makertube.net/a/coreyartus/vid

Föderation EN Di 05.11.2024 16:59:18

@FediVideo @radiofreefedi

I love these posts. I keep discovering cool things in the fediverse!

Föderation EN Mi 06.11.2024 00:00:36

@FediVideo We're live now with calm visuals, great comfy music from the talented fedi neighbourhood and friendly modded chat on if you are so inclined. Or just listen quietly together. Let RFF and community be your virtual
