

Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 22:19:02

Local news is crucial to democracy, and it's disappearing — according to a new book by Steven Brill, excerpted in @Semafor, approximately twenty-two hundred papers and their websites went out of business between 2005 and 2021. That's created a vacuum into which "pink-slime" sites have poured. Brill writes about these sites that present themselves as legitimate publishers but are created to boost specific candidates and secretly financed by partisan funders, Democrats and Republicans alike.



Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Mo 03.06.2024 22:31:04

If you're looking for reliable — non-pink-slimey —  news sources on Flipboard, we have now added all our federated publishers to this Google sheet:


Federated news publishers include @AxiosNews, @Semafor, @BloombergGreen, @19thnews, @ConversationUS and more. You'll also find many fantastic lifestyle publishers there, such as @Smithsonianmag, @cntraveler, @outside, @Kotaku and @TheRoot. We're working on a better way to separate publisher and curator profile details so you can easily find what you're looking for; stay tuned. If you're a publisher who'd like to onboard to Flipboard or have your account federated, fill in this survey:



mapto (@mapto@masto.bg)

Föderation EN Fr 14.06.2024 06:23:27

@Flipboard Thanks a lot. This is very useful. Adding a column on language of the media, would be of great help for at least those of us based in Europe


Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Fr 14.06.2024 18:10:59

@mapto That's a great idea — we definitely need more ways to organize the spreadsheet as we continue to federate more publishers.