
Aure Free Press :verified:

Föderation EN Fr 28.02.2025 22:29:27


If you needed more proof that Trump is a Russian Asset...

"The head of Trump's Pentagon ordered US Cyber ​​Command to stop all activities against Russia, including offensive cyber operations,"
- The publication Record

Trump's KGB codename:

(Medien: 1)

Gurre Vildskägg

Föderation EN Fr 28.02.2025 22:51:14

I would claim that that is an illegal order.

Frank Verhoeven

Föderation EN Fr 28.02.2025 23:08:39

This is nothing short of sending them the launchcodes. Expect infrastructure breakdowns within 72 hours.

David, not "Dave"

Föderation EN Fr 28.02.2025 23:56:33



When will the fucking US gvt stop kissing this mother fuckers ass?!?!?!

"Command-in-chief" is bullshit. "Pussy" is more accurate. That's why he said, "grab 'em by the pussy"...cause he's fine with assholes doing what they want with him.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 01:20:40

So like if there was no white privilege
the FBI would march in there and arrest this "GOP's-PIMP-putins Traitor TRASH tRUUMP"???

(Medien: 4)