
Graham Downs

Graham Downs (@GrahamDowns@mastodon.africa)

Föderation EN Do 20.06.2024 18:30:47

@ricmac I guess it depends on your primary reason for using social media (any social media). In my case, I mostly use it to share interesting articles and other things I find, and in that case, I absolutely want those posts distributed as far as possible, and to be able to be found by as many people as possible, for as long as possible.

I seldom use it to have actual conversations with people, but if you do, then I can kind of see your point. But in that case, I'd rather recommend that you enable automatic post deletion after a certain period of time. I know how frustrating it can be when someone interacts with a reply I wrote like six months ago. For those, I think they should become redundant after a few days, max.

Now, what would be really nice is if you could set post deletion on a case-by-case basis. Then I'd have most of my posts never expire, but my replies to controversial debates and things expire after three days. :-)