
Graham Downs

Graham Downs (@GrahamDowns@mastodon.africa)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 08:59:38

Today in 1991, the World Wide Web is opened to the public with the first web page accessible to the world. (cc @w3c)

Is it a better place today than it was in 1991? I'm not so sure.


Genxer (@Genxer@genxer.nz)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 09:22:44

@GrahamDowns @w3c
Don't think so. But that is the old fossil speaking.

Graham Downs

Graham Downs (@GrahamDowns@mastodon.africa)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 09:29:55

@genxer Part of me wants to point out that it's been getting worse ever since we started using HTTP (the hyperTEXT transfer protocol) for displaying images. Never mind downloading binary files of all kinds (which is clearly the purview of the FILE transfer protocol). ;-)

But of course, that's tongue in cheek... although to be fair, images on the web was the beginning of the takeover by the marketing department. :-P @w3c


curmudgeonaf (@curmudgeonaf@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 14:13:00

@GrahamDowns @genxer @w3c I would say it was the break where everyone stopped having a personal website, and instead used a social media account. If we had stuck with MyWebsite.com instead of Facebook/MyWebsite, we’d be better off.


curmudgeonaf (@curmudgeonaf@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 14:09:51

@GrahamDowns @w3c Tim Berners Lee is the tech industry Oppenheimer.

World Wide Web Consortium

World Wide Web Consortium (@w3c@w3c.social)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 19:41:03

FWIW, according to Tim Berners-Lee's "A Little History of the World Wide Web" it was first on 6 August 1991 that Tim first invited the world to use the web (via email on alt.hypertext).
