
Huginn87OG 🐻📷

Huginn87OG 🐻📷 (@Huginn87OG@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 00:54:32

@moragperkins When I send out my film to a lab to get dev'ed Ive always had my them returned, even ones Ive done myself Ive kept (though when I first started there was some shots I cut off & threw out 🫣). I do plan to digitize all the shots I've done eventually, I got alooot of 35mm (86 pages,~2700 shots) & just started with 6x9 (6 pages so far ~41 shots).

There have been a couple labs Ive seen where they said "you have to tell us to return your negatives, we dont automatically return them" 🙄

Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 19:31:15

@Huginn87OG eeeep! To all of it...!

Huginn87OG 🐻📷

Huginn87OG 🐻📷 (@Huginn87OG@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 19:41:20

@moragperkins Ya. For the 35mm film though, thats like ~ 10 years worth of shooting film on & off though, and there's some rolls I saved that are just really 💩💩, so those probably wont be digitized so 😅