

Hyolobrika (@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net)

Föderation EN Sa 20.01.2024 16:46:11

If it was that easy, there would be far fewer non-admins


Hyolobrika (@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net)

Föderation EN Sa 20.01.2024 16:46:59

And I bet $25/month is still too much if you're *really* poor

number #1 zeri fan

number #1 zeri fan (@sun_eat3r@goreslut.xyz)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 16:51:50

@Hyolobrika @Penguinflight @randrews or if you are not american too
25 is quite a lot here

Ross Andrews

Ross Andrews (@randrews@somewhy.net)

Föderation EN Sa 20.01.2024 17:45:46

@sun_eat3r @Penguinflight @Hyolobrika Then don't host one. /shrug The thing about Mastodon is that it gives you the choice, "do I value $25 more than I value not putting up with a psychotic admin." Other platforms don't give you that choice.

My point is that the original post makes it seem inevitable that you're going to be on someone else's instance, when that's not at all true. More people could host their own than are probably aware they could host their own, even if that's not everyone.


Hyolobrika (@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net)

Föderation EN Sa 20.01.2024 17:53:04

Sure. Having a choice is better than nothing. But not having to make a choice (Nostr, Polycentric, fedi if @silverpill ever succeeds in making fedi like Nostr) is better than both.


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 18:53:50

@Hyolobrika @randrews @sun_eat3r @Penguinflight


By the way my instance costs me ~$5 per month, and the server is barely utilized. The competition between fedi software will eventually drive the price down to almost zero.

By 2030, you will run your own site, and it will be a part of social web.

nigger from detroit

nigger from detroit (@pernia@cum.salon)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 18:58:56

@silverpill @sun_eat3r @Penguinflight @Hyolobrika @randrews how is support for hosting mitra on openbsd like? i'd like to look into it

cheap domain + free oracle vps running :puffy: running mitra sounds based


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:06:10

@pernia @Hyolobrika @randrews @sun_eat3r @Penguinflight It should work on bsd, but as far as I know nobody tried that.
You'll need rust compiler, openssl, postgresql and some kind of web server.

nigger from detroit

nigger from detroit (@pernia@cum.salon)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:07:38

@silverpill @sun_eat3r @Penguinflight @Hyolobrika @randrews would libressl work? also what features should the webserver have? i know nginx is in ports, but maybe httpd (in base, not apache) could work


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:30:03

@pernia Yes, libressl should work. Webserver would be needed for HTTPS because Mitra doesn't provide this feature yet. If you're going to run a Tor instance, then webserver is not needed.

nigger from detroit

nigger from detroit (@pernia@cum.salon)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:32:22

@silverpill wudduhel, but it would still server a web frontend over tor or no
>Mitra doesn't provide this feature yet
should it? http is for hosting a frontend no?


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:45:10

@pernia Mitra (the server) can serve its web frontend (or any other collection of static files), you don't need a separate webserver for that.

A separate webserver like nginx is only required for handling HTTPS connections.

nigger from detroit

nigger from detroit (@pernia@cum.salon)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 19:57:26

@silverpill wow, that's awesome. are you planning on adding https to mitra itself?


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 20:05:53

@pernia Yes, I think that would be a nice feature.


Hyolobrika (@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net)

Föderation EN Sa 20.01.2024 19:51:34

>The competition between fedi software will eventually drive the price down to almost zero.
How does that work then? Wouldn't the competition between hosting modes/providers be more relevant? The software itself is usually free of charge.


silverpill (@silverpill@mitra.social)

Föderation · Sa 20.01.2024 20:03:56

@Hyolobrika @randrews @sun_eat3r @Penguinflight The software can be very inefficient (like Mastodon, for which you have to pay more), it can be also be over-complicated and fragile (so you have to spend more time on it). I think people will slowly migrate to servers that are more efficient and simple. The end game is a social web node that doesn't need a domain name at all and runs from your phone.