
IzzyOnDroid ✅

IzzyOnDroid ✅ (@IzzyOnDroid@floss.social)

Föderation DE Mi 23.08.2023 01:09:41

@tetrapyloctomist I'd say give it a try and report back :awesome: I do no longer get any apps from Play, so I hardly need those. Just an AdBlocker in case I visit a website (my devices are rooted, so that's AdAware). But I know Konrad (TrackerControl) and trust him, so I can recommend giving his app a try. Integrates with NeoStore (for F-Droid) btw. @Andreas_Sturm


Axel (@tetrapyloctomist@muenchen.social)

Föderation DE Do 24.08.2023 11:57:42

Thanks for your input, @IzzyOnDroid - I'll give it a shot on my tablet when I get home next week :mastolove: