
Kay Ohtie

Kay Ohtie (@KayOhtie@blimps.xyz)

Föderation · Mi 31.05.2023 17:34:10

If you migrate accounts, and it seems like a lot of your former followers didn't make it to your new one... It's worth asking if your former admin minds doing a "migrate replay".

It may flood your notifications (and DEFINITELY do not do this while your account is in "require follower approval" mode!) but it'll re-request existing followers' servers re-follow your new account.

(Requires your admin have command-line access, but is an easy task at least.)

FediTips has moved!

FediTips has moved! (@feditips@mstdn.social)

Föderation · Mi 31.05.2023 23:35:17


Interesting, I hadn't heard of this option... do you have a link if an admin needs further instructions?

Kay Ohtie

Kay Ohtie (@KayOhtie@blimps.xyz)

Föderation · Mi 31.05.2023 23:40:04

@feditips ...I would link to the docs but it's not there o.o however, if you run `bin/tootctl accounts help migrate` it has the info. The `--replay` one redoes the migrate from the source instance. In my case both were the same, just changing username, but yus.