
Cat Lady Kydia Music

· Föderation EN Mo 01.04.2024 00:24:35

Welcome to Round 4 of March Madness: Dootstravaganza!

We getting down to the wire now. I sort of took @pencilears suggestion and brought back a close loser from Round 3 to even things out--but I took into consideration how each loser in Round 3 fared throughout AND how their competition fared. This may frustrate some of you. But I can't please everyone, not even myself, as my #1 choice also did not make it through Round 3, & I have no way to justify letting them through.

Polls forthcoming!

Cat Lady Kydia Music

Föderation EN Mo 01.04.2024 00:29:15

Also this was starting to feel really complicated and stressing me out, and I had to remember THIS IS ALL JUST FOR FUN; a silly whim I had one day.

Leave it to my nature to do something spontaneous for funsies and then start placing more importance on it than is warranted once I get into it.

A red flag with white lettering that says "WE DO THIS NOT BECAUSE IT IS EASY, but because WE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE EASY."

(Medien: 1)

Cat Lady Kydia Music

Föderation EN Mo 01.04.2024 00:37:17

Round 4 of March Madness: Dootstravaganza starts NOW!

There will be only 2 polls of 3 choices each in this penultimate round. Tough decisions must be made. Tears may be shed, swords may be shaken. :scremcat:

Vote for the name of the town you would most want to live in, of which Doots would be the mayor!

Doots is my charismatic cat. See to behold his charm.

The winner of these two polls will advance to the final round, so be sure to vote in each, and boost for more democracy!

15% Dootshampton
44% Dootsylvania
41% Dootstershire

41 Stimmen, bis Di 02.04.2024 00:37:17

Cat Lady Kydia Music

Föderation EN Mo 01.04.2024 00:40:24

Round 4 of March Madness: Dootstravaganza LET'S GO!

There will be only 2 polls of 3 choices each in this penultimate round. Tough decisions must be made. Harsh words may be spoken, jimmies may get rustled. :welp:

Vote for the name of the town you would most want to live in, of which Doots would be the mayor!

Doots is my dapper cat. See to behold his allure.

The winner of these two polls will advance to the final round, so be sure to vote in each, and boost for more democracy!

23% Dootsbury
14% Dootsgard
64% Dootseldorf

44 Stimmen, bis Di 02.04.2024 00:40:24

Cat Lady Kydia Music

Föderation EN Di 02.04.2024 01:00:02

We’re down to The Final Braincell er, Countdown of March Madness: Dootstravaganza!

Those last two polls were so exciting, Doots almost wet his pants!* :AAAAAA:

Now it’s time to decide once and for all the name of the town where we will live happily ever after with Doots as our beloved Mayor!

Doots is my handsome cat. See to behold his charm.

Make your voice heard! Please vote and boost!

For Doots & Democracy!

:catPOWER: :catjam: :scremcat:

*j/k Doots doesn’t wear pants

80% Dootseldorf
20% Dootsylvania

25 Stimmen, bis Mi 03.04.2024 01:00:02

Cat Lady Kydia Music

Föderation EN Di 02.04.2024 01:45:26

As you can see, Doots can barely contain his excitement.

Will he rule with a velvet paw, or an iron claw?

Doots, a Lynx Point Siamese cat, lounging on a worn beige-carpeted cat tree, with his paw and tail mostly tucjrd up under him, but still visible. He has a rather serious and stern look on his face.

(Medien: 1)