
Maj1 THE Neuro Spicy Squirrel


Mi 19.06.2024

Beiträge: 6.126Folgt: 1.382Folgende: 1.277

Member of the Great Migration of Nov 2022

Retired mainframe storage manager, channel Marvin the Paranoid android, like cats, tech, open world games,nature.

Very amateur scientist /astronomer / climatologist.
Wide musical tastes, scouse sense of humour.
Absolutely no time for “alternative” facts.
No Alt-Txt = No Follow!


Avatar: A red squirrel wearing elven style armour with a winged helmet & a sword.
Banner: An IBM ES/9000 in a small computer room.

Mind Mode

Neuro Spicy (ASD)


He/Him/Esquirol , CIShet white male, yes I know ! Who can help their DNA ? But LGBTQ+ Ally, its your mind that interests me nothing else!

Note on Favourites/ Likes

If I Like you post, it means I’ve read it & think it has merit or I really like it but can’t boost because of content

Following Me

I will follow back if you have a profile bio or pinned intro & we share the same philosophy 🤗

beige.party · mastodon · 2025-03-14 16:05:13

Maj1 THE Neuro Spicy Squirrel

Föderation EN Mi 05.03.2025 21:09:01

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Talking to a Peep today about helping folks with MH issues & I think pTerry says it most succinctly in ‘Soul Music’:

“Sometimes the only thing you could do for people was to be there.”
― Terry Pratchett, Soul Music

This quote of course applies to all kinds of things, & one of the things I love about the Fediverse is that when folks are struggling the community is there for them - it is a wonderful example of how social media should work!

Annddd on that note I’m off to prove that the katana is far deadlier than the pen when you’re a monol at the wrong end of it! 😜

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I hope you’re well & safe! 😊🫶🐿️🖖


For today’s diary update please follow

Picture a tightly packed group of 6 red squirrels looking into a hole in a tree. You are in the hole looking  out at them as if through a fisheye lens.

The captions reads:

“When squirrels come across an especially spectacular nut, they’ll often gather & stare in amazement… very similar to how they’re looking at you right now .”


(Medien: 1)