
MagicLike 🏳️‍🌈

MagicLike 🏳️‍🌈 (@MagicLike@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Fr 20.10.2023 15:01:53

@Tusky I just compared, calculated, averaged and normalised the usage of Tusky on my two devices: On my Phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro) Tusky drains about 0,6% per minute used and on my Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S7) it uses about 0,356% per minute used. (Percentages of my tablet were adapted to my phone's capacity, actually Tusky uses around 0,2%)
On my Phone I can also read out the used mAh and Tusky uses about 5,31 mAh per minute.