Sa 29.10.2022
Beiträge: 1.452Folgt: 186Folgende: 726
Stay Curious. Stay Goblin.
Föderation EN Di 10.09.2024 23:26:54
3D printers of the world, hear me out. After upgrading my Prusa MK3S+ printers, I have a lot of spare parts that are now useless to me. I don't need them, but if you do, let me know! I’ll gladly ship them to you. The parts are free—you just need to cover the shipping costs.
Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 14:46:34
I wish the mention button on @ivory was a configurable button like the next ones. I never use it.
[@tinyspires in the example because everyone deserves a Mary Blair inspired castle in their timeline]
(Medien: 1)
Föderation EN Do 22.02.2024 10:38:33
Maybe if I share I get the link to click and go to the account. Otherwise I can’t figure out how to search for it on @ivory. What am I doing wrong?