
Oskar im Keller

Oskar im Keller (@OskarImKeller@fnordon.de)

Föderation EN Do 07.09.2023 20:21:34

@esty @feditips

👀 @JohnConstableRA somehow you were left out in this answer.

FediTips has moved!

FediTips has moved! (@feditips@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Do 07.09.2023 20:26:02

@OskarImKeller @esty @JohnConstableRA

For what it's worth, I've tested Ice Cubes on my iPhone from 2019 and haven't noticed any slowdown or problems.

I used it with a Mastodon account, it's possible that it doesn't run as well with non-Mastodon accounts.

FediTips has moved!

FediTips has moved! (@feditips@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Do 07.09.2023 20:26:02

@OskarImKeller @esty @JohnConstableRA

For what it's worth, I've tested Ice Cubes on my iPhone from 2019 and haven't noticed any slowdown or problems.

I used it with a Mastodon account, it's possible that it doesn't run as well with non-Mastodon accounts.