
Dawn Tåke 🌙 :sparkletrans:

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 11:46:03

With DivestOS discontinuing, I'm looking for an alternative to Mull on . I want a Gecko-based browser, preferably more privacy-focused than Firefox itself. Though I will say that I'm not totally opposed to it.

Thus far I've heard of ArkenFox, which I'm going to try out. It's a bonus that it's on F-Droid.
I also saw that Midori has a Android version now. Though not on F-Droid? I've never heard of their Play Store alternative, UpToDown. Are they legit?

I have Tor, but it's too hard nosed for me for daily driving.

I'm up to suggestions!

::EDIT:: Mainly edited to fix a hashtag, but also I'm trying Fennec atm.

Support GrapheneOS 667

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 11:59:26



Android app to install and update privacy friendly browser(s)


Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 12:54:12

@Tourma fennec on f-droid is the alternative I guess. Mull was a fork of fennec I think, they were/are very similar


Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 14:00:34


Cromite seems to be a good browser for Android (though not Gecko-based)

It's a fork of (the now discontinued) Bromite, which was a fork of Chromium without Google but with several privacy and security improvements

I don't know how many maintainers Cromite has, but I've installed it in summer and it seems to be updated at least once per month

It's on F-Droid, too



Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 09:16:57

@dani @Tourma Note: you have to add the Cromite repo to get it. The app is not on f-droid.org at the moment.

Marco Bresciani

Föderation EN Do 26.12.2024 19:36:24

I'm checking both @privacybrowser and @monocles (both installed from @fdroidorg ) and they are both pretty reliable, according to @eff : try them here coveryourtracks.eff.org/