

Trit’ (@TritTriton@shelter.moe)

Föderation FR Fr 19.01.2024 13:54:52

Tiens, encore une panne de la synchro de Vivaldi… On dirait que ça arrive tous les vendredis après-midi.

@ruario @Vivaldi Third time that the sync system is down (network error, 503 error). It seems to be occurring every Friday in the afternoon (UTC+1), for hours. Is it a configuration issue? There is no information about it in the services status page.


Vivaldi (@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation FR Fr 19.01.2024 15:01:27


We're sorry for the trouble. Sync devs are working on the servers today and there unfortunately are some unexpected load issues.
Weekly issues with Sync are unknown to us, though. 🤔


Trit’ (@TritTriton@shelter.moe)

Föderation FR Fr 19.01.2024 15:10:27

@Vivaldi It’s OK. It just that I’m feeling concerned about something broken.

For the previous cases, there was one on 30th December:

And 8th January: