
Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 11:17:06

‼️Tusky 27 is now available on Google Play just on time for the holidays!!!

➡️New and updated things you will find in it: 👇

✅ Material 3 redesign
✅ Support for notification policies (a Mastodon 4.3 version feature)
✅ Many bugfixes (among them the annoying one that deleted a post being written when changing from Tusky to another app, finally😅)

➡️F-droiders will have to wait some days more for it, but it will be out very soon!

Have fun, happy holidays and Happy New Year!! 🎉🎉

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 11:28:35

@Tusky That 3rd fixed thing is wonderful!

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 16:39:03

@m we know, it was a real pain!!

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 17:08:49

@Tusky Thankful you got it fixed, I lost a lot of toots because of it. And merry christmas too, BTW.

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 12:35:59


Oh, the deleting the post thing. It drove me crazy. I thought it was the aggressive battery optimization of my phone :)

Thank you!

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 13:23:41

@Tusky hello. Why I did not have notifications live but within couple minutes or when I open Tusky app?

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 16:39:56

@maciek33 strange!! Let us have a look at it

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 16:46:00

@Tusky please check it if you can. For example by using Moshidon I do not have such an issue.

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 14:10:26

@Tusky Why is earlier on goggle play instead of f-droid?

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 16:47:51

@Tusky Will we have polls? Where are the release notes?

Föderation EN Di 24.12.2024 17:36:09

@Tusky YAY NO MORE DISAPPEARING POSTS when I pop over into my browser to check a link!! Thank you!!

Föderation EN Mi 25.12.2024 00:39:46

@Tusky @pawel I heard you liked Material in Moshidon, maybe try Tusky now?

Föderation EN Mo 30.12.2024 00:47:45

@Tusky was wondering why it wasn't available on F-Droid, good to know it's coming, I'll happily wait. Thanks for all the work you do 😄