

Vivaldi (@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 11:05:39

@rdp @stepan @jplehr Menu changes are currently not synced, but we hope to add them to Sync in the future.

@RandomOxen When we add new items to the menu, they will be added to your edited versions as well. So you'll need to pop into Settings to (re)move the addition.

Ryan Pollard

Ryan Pollard (@rdp@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 17:02:20

@Vivaldi @stepan @jplehr @RandomOxen Syncing Menu changes sounds like a worthy enhancement we'd all like to see. If your product people are keeping track, this is an official user request. Thanks! 😊


Vivaldi (@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 17:53:55

@rdp @stepan @jplehr @RandomOxen

We collect and keep track of feature requests on our Forum.
You can upvote the one about syncing menus here: forum.vivaldi.net/topic/52040/. It sure could use some more upvotes. :tony_normal:
To vote, log in to your Vivaldi account and click the thumbs up👍 button next to the first post.

Ryan Pollard

Ryan Pollard (@rdp@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 18:06:33

@Vivaldi @stepan @jplehr @RandomOxen Perfect. Thanks for the link! I just took full advantage of it