
⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Do 25.07.2024 15:02:07

🚀 The Future is Federated - issue no.6 👩‍🚀

The Future of Social is Here: a Show and Tell (part 1: ↔️ )


with shout-outs to @phanpy @tapbots @ivory @Tusky @dansup

✨ and special thanks to @evan @cwebber for your work on , the magic protocol that is making all this possible ✨


pixelfed (@pixelfed@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 26.07.2024 21:46:34

@_elena Amazing and very informative post, thanks for mentioning us ❤️

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 26.07.2024 22:01:47

@pixelfed thank you!!! ☺️ I’m a HUGE fan of Pixelfed and I’m so impressed by how well interoperability works. Kudos and keep up the inspiring work! ✨

sokai 🇺🇦 🕎

sokai 🇺🇦 🕎 (@sokai@openbiblio.social)

Föderation EN Sa 27.07.2024 15:19:45

@_elena for this good write-up, I like your enthusiasm … 😊

'But' I don't get this:
a) "Prelude […] Why do you need to have multiple Fediverse accounts […]? You DON’T! You could stick to just one.
b) "1: Setup – creating new accounts on Mastodon and Pixelfed"