
⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 17:07:06

I need to have a small "win" today because I just spent hours trying to federate my Wordpress site - to no avail. Webfinger issues first, then solved, but now I can't find the site if I look for it here or on Friendica. The profile ID according to the ActivityPub plugin yields no results on the Fediverse 😭

Anyway, time to go offline... grabbing my Canon 5D Mark IV and going to the park with my little one.

Ciao Fedi friends! As they say, tomorrow is another day 🥲

Ian Robinson

Ian Robinson (@ianRobinson@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 17:15:25

@_elena @OldAintDead had similar issues federating her web page. I don’t know if the issues were solved.

Old Ain't Dead

Old Ain't Dead (@OldAintDead@mastodon.sdf.org)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 17:44:25

@ianRobinson @_elena

My issues are not resolved. I could never see the @oldaintdead@oldaintdead.com that should have been the default. I can see the author card of @Virginia but apparently no one else can. I have three followers there, but don't think they see it.

When I search for either of those accounts, it first says not found. If you wait long enough it shows up.

My purpose in using ActivityPub was so that the conversations here on Mastodon would appear as comments on the blog. That has not worked.

Marco Frasca :ironman:

Marco Frasca :ironman: (@marcofrasca@mastodon.uno)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 17:54:26

@_elena have fun! Hope you have some Pixelfed-worth moments! 😁

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 20:04:30

@marcofrasca thanks 😊 lots of nice photos indeed...

but I'm next level when it comes to the privacy of my little one (no photos - or even her name) online.

I only share photos via Signal messages to our family members & close friends 😅

Marco Frasca :ironman:

Marco Frasca :ironman: (@marcofrasca@mastodon.uno)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 21:52:25

@_elena oh no, i didn’t mean that! 😂 I was referring to trees, sunsets, or whatever… absolutely nothing about your family 😅

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 21:59:23

@marcofrasca sorry Marco! sometimes I forget this is not Instagram or X (where people wouldn’t think twice about that behavior). Another reason why I love the Fediverse so much 😅😊

Marco Frasca :ironman:

Marco Frasca :ironman: (@marcofrasca@mastodon.uno)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 22:04:54

@_elena no problem 😁 and I love it too!

Luca Sironi

Luca Sironi (@luca@sironi.tk)

Föderation · Di 30.07.2024 18:05:10


what's the fediverse account of the blog ?

Have you published something *after* turning on federation ?


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 18:35:33

@_elena ok if I try to fetch the profile of @elena@elenarossini.com I get a 503 SSL Ceritficate could not be verified error. Might have something to do with the issue, even though I don't know what.

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸 (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 20:00:25

@oblomov aw thank you for checking 🙏 It's actually @ele@elenarossini.com 🥲


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 22:04:01

@_elena still gives me "503 Remote SSL certificate could not be verified". Would seem to be an SSL‌ certificate problem, but I'm not sure. If I try on the command line
$ GET elenarossini.com/.well-known/w

I get a JSON that looks correct, even though it has Content-Type: application/octet-stream (I wold expect some dialect of application/json)

Spitefully Optimistic

Spitefully Optimistic (@spitefully_optimistic@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Di 30.07.2024 20:25:58

@_elena what tripped me up with my implementation was the content type headers. Just my experiences, hope it helps 🙂