


Di 14.11.2017

Beiträge: 27.659Folgt: 1.027Folgende: 6.430

I'm a just a small town AAA graphics programmer in Chicago. I worked on Gears 5 and Gears Tactics. My work is secret, but my personal projects are not.

I like to post about my personal research, various side projects, and I like to think out loud a lot. Expect weird humor, esoteric ramblings, and occasionally also art I made out of math. I like implicit surface modeling the normal amount. Amateur spoonie. 🏳️‍⚧️

Curses are just blessings with caveats.








bada bing bada toot baby


aeva (@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Sa 21.10.2023 23:42:12

Alright folks, place your bets. How will this 7 hour long print job fail? (poll to follow in a reply)

A screenshot of Prusa Slicer showing a 7 hour print of a large rectilinear object that is about 165mm wide, 19mm long, and 140mm tall.  The center of mass is rather high up.  The object's thinnest dimension is along the Y axis.

Another screenshot of the same thing as the first, but it is looking down at the object from above, showing that it is hollow and has many travel paths in the negative space within the hollow region.  This also shows that the center of mass is close to the back wall of the object.

(Medien: 2)


aeva (@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation · Mo 12.06.2023 00:16:36

I'm really worried about the environmental impact if Zonai devices! Zonaite is not biodegradable and so it pollutes the environment for tens of thousands of years, but worse, the devices break after a few minutes of use necessitating their mass production. Ever since that ancient capsule machine fell from the sky into the bay, hundreds of zonaite korok backpacks and flame throwers now wash up on the shore of Lurelin village every day, wrecking havok on the local ecosystem!