

Jules (@afewbugs@social.coop)

Föderation EN Mo 05.08.2024 13:44:05

Some small good news among the far right rioting and violence that's been sweeping the UK this last weekend, a fundraiser to replace the books damaged at in had a target of £500 and at the time of posting has received more than £50,000


A building that is identifiable as a library from the first floor visible in the background, but the ground floor in the foreground is a mess of rubble and ashes from fires and looting and one or two singed books and a computer monitor are the only identifiable items in the detritus. In the background book shelves and trolleys have been pushed over.

(Medien: 1)


Annie (@theappletree@ruhr.social)

Föderation EN Mo 05.08.2024 22:59:11

@afewbugs That's really good news.👍🏽

Ben Avison

Ben Avison (@benavison@mastodonapp.uk)

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 01:52:09

@afewbugs I spy a “Nigella Lawson” amongst the donors. Wonder if it’s the famous one?


Jules (@afewbugs@social.coop)

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 08:24:05

@benavison I saw £500 from a Rhianna Pratchett too


Irena (@ORIOliver@newsie.social)

Föderation EN Di 06.08.2024 08:34:16

@afewbugs Have donated. Phew. Thank goodness there's something we can do to counter the awfulness of the far right and their enablers. I have to remind myself not to hate the likes of Musk and Farage, but to do the hopey thing instead.