
Frank Heijkamp

· Föderation NL Fr 02.08.2024 16:15:29

@DJHVII @breadandcircuses A street gains so much more from those trees than money can express.

Osteopenia Powers ,

Föderation NL Sa 03.08.2024 00:51:43

@alterelefant @DJHVII @breadandcircuses
Sun damage to paint, cars, pavement, increased air conditioning costs, medical costs from extreme heat. Are you serious?

Frank Heijkamp

Föderation NL Sa 03.08.2024 06:58:46

@Osteopenia_Powers @DJHVII @breadandcircuses Trees are good. No trees is bad. I am pro tree. The 'pruning costs' outweigh the benefits of having trees.