

Dave (@anathem@toot.kif.rocks)

Föderation EN Mi 12.06.2024 17:38:39

Excerpt from linked article:

Geoff Manaugh: While you were making those measurements of different real-world cities, did you discover any surprising patterns or spatial relationships?
Librande: Yes, definitely. I think the biggest one was the parking lots. When I started measuring out our local grocery store, which I don't think of as being that big, I was blown away by how much more space was parking lot rather than actual store. That was kind of a problem, because we were originally just going to model real cities, but we quickly realized there were way too many parking lots in the real world and that our game was going to be really boring if it was proportional in terms of parking lots.
Manaugh: You would be making SimParkingLot, rather than SimCity.
Librande: [laughs] Exactly. So what we do in the game is that we just imagine they are underground. We do have parking lots in the game, and we do try to scale them -- so, if you have a little grocery store, we'll put six or seven parking spots on the side, and, if you have a big convention center or a big pro stadium, they'll have what seem like really big lots -- but they're nowhere near what a real grocery store or pro stadium would have. We had to do the best we could do and still make the game look attractive.

(Medien: 1)


lashman (@lashman@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 12.06.2024 17:39:38

@anathem hahaha, yes, exactly!


Seiðr (@Illuminatus@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mi 12.06.2024 17:41:57

@anathem @lashman Game designers discover the dystopia of car-centred urban design.


Dave (@anathem@toot.kif.rocks)

Föderation EN Mi 12.06.2024 19:32:34

@kkarhan @lashman Yes, but given that the thread started at Cities:Skylines II, I just skipped the middle while going back. ^^


mirabilos (@mirabilos@toot.mirbsd.org)

Föderation DE Do 13.06.2024 01:07:54

@anathem @lashman haha six or seven for a small grocery store… here you get maybe two for that, and a medium-sized supermarket has twelve, another one a tad smaller but still not small-sized has even less…


tuv (@tuv@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Do 13.06.2024 02:59:21

@anathem @lashman parking lots would have filled the screen

parking looots

(Medien: 1)


Wenzel (@stairjoke@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Fr 14.06.2024 18:00:40

@anathem @lashman very much a USA thing btw.


Dave (@anathem@toot.kif.rocks)

Föderation EN Fr 14.06.2024 18:15:04

@stairjoke @lashman Yeah, I'd be curious for game modes like "US law for parking lot requirements of commercial zones applies" or "realistic european walkable cities" or "people driving like in Bangkok at rush hour" :D


Wenzel (@stairjoke@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Sa 15.06.2024 12:30:51

@anathem @lashman that would be hilarious!!! Absolutely love the idea 🤣