

Andre (@andre@photog.social)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 10:23:15

The image is a black and white photograph of a tram moving along a track. The tram, labeled with the number "1202," is centered in the frame, and the scene has a vintage, grainy quality. Overhead power lines and poles are visible, indicating the electric nature of the tram. The background features a mix of trees and buildings, with one notable building having a distinct, somewhat industrial or historical architectural style. The foreground includes a stone or concrete barrier that runs parallel to the tram tracks. The overall atmosphere of the photograph suggests an urban or suburban setting

(Medien: 1)


Speybridge (@speybridge@ruhr.social)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 12:34:21

@andre @FotoVorschlag
Die ME-Super habe ich auch gehabt!
Und die MX!


Elmo (@elmoneto@mastodon.com.br)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 15:48:22

@andre @FotoVorschlag Happily boosting a beautiful picture with detailed alt text :)


Andre (@andre@photog.social)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 15:49:36

@elmoneto thanks a lot!

The Life of Brian

The Life of Brian (@Brian_Mahoney@mas.to)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 16:29:48

@andre @FotoVorschlag I just got a Pentax ME at a garage sale, hoping to shoot with it. Unfortunately, the rewind knob has broken off/missing. Drat! Nice photo. Well done!


Andre (@andre@photog.social)

Föderation UK Mi 12.06.2024 18:03:05

@Brian_Mahoney thank you Brian!
I hope you get your Pentax fixed