
Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 11:05:13

Technology is political.

If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies.

It’s only defensible if you’re coming from a place of privilege where the dominant politics are to your advantage so you can take them as given.

There is no such thing as “no politics”; there is only “no politics other than the politics of the status quo that I benefit from, which I’ve internalised as normal.”


SamuelⒶ🇵🇸 (@leomas@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 11:08:36

@aral Reminds me of the people who say "I'm not political".
Yes they are, their politics are just (percieved by them as) the default.

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon (@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 11:09:50

@aral 99.9999% of no politics clauses actually mean, we are out and out fascists but you are not allowed to comment on that as you build improved IBM Punch Cards for their concentration camps.

Jacobo Da Riva

Jacobo Da Riva (@jdrm@social.linux.pizza)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 11:10:41

@aral agree with your toot. It's great. Everything is political. FOSS is political. The exclusion of the diversity by the name of "no politics" is a political choice.

Alexander Hay

Alexander Hay (@alexanderhay@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 11:36:03

@aral "No politics please!" is the sort of argument a politician would make.


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 14:08:26

@alexanderhay @aral

Actually, as a person who was a politician for several years, I can tell you that "no politics" is something people trying to feel noble say to avoid responsibility for taking a position. I became a politician so I could fight for a position and, yes, against another one. I needed all the allies I could get. Every group, person, or institution that said, "We're not political" was saying, "We're of no use to you at all."

Yes, politics please! Lots of it!

Alexander Hay

Alexander Hay (@alexanderhay@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:00:20

@Professor_Stevens @aral My shithousery antennae start twitching furiously whenever I hear the "no politics please!" line. It suggests someone's pulling the con, and someone else is about to fall for it.


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:06:08

@alexanderhay @aral

I do think that's wise. But I also know that it is used by lots of people seeking to portray themselves as "above the fray." I think that's naïve of them, in most cases.

When I was in elected office, I got asked over and over to meet with advocacy groups. If their position was aligned with my party, I'd offer to hook them up with local party leaders. Sometimes, they'd say, "We're not political." To which I'd say, "Then you're ineffectual."

Not always popular, but true.

Alexander Hay

Alexander Hay (@alexanderhay@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:06:37

@Professor_Stevens @aral No one is above the fray. NO ONE AT ALL.


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:11:39

@alexanderhay @aral

Agreed. We have meet the fray, and he is us.

But I grew tired pretty quickly of groups (almost always new ones that had been formed by someone with little prior experience with advocacy) that made that claim.

The problem is that many of us just take it for granted that politics and politicians are somehow ethically tainted. There's a craving for some sort of ideological purity.

We need to demand that purity of our politics, though, not assume it doesn't have any.

Montgomery Gator

Montgomery Gator (@MontgomeryGator@fouroclockfarms.club)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 12:16:46

@aral Everything is political, it's one of the facets that most man-made things have.

Why does the US and Japan have the same outlets? Taiwan too? And the power standard is mostly the same? 🤔

Why do TVs scan left to right? Does it have anything to do with how English is written? 🤔

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:33:10

@MontgomeryGator @aral huh. I’ve learned something today. I always thought they scanned top down

Montgomery Gator

Montgomery Gator (@MontgomeryGator@fouroclockfarms.club)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 21:30:44

@MxVerda @aral What's weird, is that the scanning pattern could be really strange but work. There's a kids movie called Planet 51 where the aliens still use CRTs, and they scan in a spiral inside out. Thing is, round CRTs were a thing in oscilloscopes, and there were even round screened TVs (they were a gimmick mostly). Oscilloscopes don't really scan, and the round tubed TVs scanned as a square but there's nothing preventing that scan pattern that could be round and scan outward like in that kids movie.

clacke@libranet.de is my main

clacke@libranet.de is my main (@notclacke@fedia.social)

Föderation · So 07.07.2024 11:16:12

@MxVerda CRTs scan a line left to right, then the next line, etc, and the lines go top to bottom.

@MontgomeryGator @aral


Gianluca (@gianluca384@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 08:30:54

@MontgomeryGator @aral What does it have to do with politics that TVs scan from left to right? It just says that the inventor probably comes from a country where you read from left to right. But that’s not political.


Tzafrir (@tzafrir@tooot.im)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 12:43:28

Let me give you the other side: I suspect that the developer here wants to code with the least amount of noise. Such an issue with lots of noise from non-contributors does not help.

Feedback from users and/or developers that this bothers them is useful. Polite feedback as to why it matters to potential contributors may also help.

Lots of noise only serves to have the developer dig in further.

Joel Falcou, Ph. D

Joel Falcou, Ph. D (@joel_falcou@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:35:42

@tzafrir @aral guess you also apolitical cause you dgaf.

Toni Aittoniemi

Toni Aittoniemi (@gimulnautti@mastodon.green)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 12:55:20

@aral This is true. No politics is only possible from a position of privilege

Still, people do sometimes get tired of politics. And their internal motivations for doing things often exclude politics

I've often said that is the greatest ideology of all, but at the same time it is also so incredibly difficult that no person in this world can pull it off all the time

This is why I call for wisdom, and compassion for those who cannot see their own error. Turning them against woke is worse!

Dr Manabu Sakamoto (he/him)

Dr Manabu Sakamoto (he/him) (@drmambobob@ecoevo.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 14:06:05

@gimulnautti @aral Maybe partisan politics for the sake of party ideology and blind loyalty to that party is tiresome? I think people need to be able to talk politics and discuss policies that affect their lives.

que :verifried:

que :verifried: (@que@mastodon.au)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 13:01:56

@aral aka "news flash: black and white statements usually have grey areas".

Austin Heller

Austin Heller (@livingcoder@universeodon.com)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 13:37:51

@aral This is exactly what I discovered when I looking into the SerenityOS issue. The PR to change "he" to "they" was shot down citing "no politics".
And then there's also the Helldivers thing about not wanting to make cloaks themed around the tranz flag colors.
Heck, this "no politics" card seems pretty easy to use when you just want to ignore the existence of queer or non-cisgender people, as if there existence is political.


Tzafrir (@tzafrir@tooot.im)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:11:49

@livingcoder @aral

"they" doesn't really makes sense there. It should be "it", right? The pronoun refers to the user "anon", that is not a representation of a person.

Austin Heller

Austin Heller (@livingcoder@universeodon.com)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:47:37

@tzafrir @aral The word "he" was a reference to a person, the user, so "they" is appropriate.

Samuel Hautamäki

Samuel Hautamäki (@sirobsidian@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 13:47:06

@aral Alternatively "no politics" could actually mean straight up that at no point no political discussions, opinions or anything is allowed within the spaces of the community. "No politics" combined with an absolute "no discrimination" clause is exactly what I think most communities should adopt.

(Anyone can feel free to reply to share their opinion.)


JuneSim63 (@junesim63@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 15:41:14

@aral My father-in-law used to say "Politics is the food on your table".

meowski alt

meowski alt (@meowski@fsebugoutzone.org)

Föderation · Mi 03.07.2024 15:58:24

@aral tell us you've never written a line of code or done any sort of technical work in your life, without coming out and saying it directly.

injecting politics into tech projects is parasitic garbage. screw off

Stanley Jones

Stanley Jones (@stanley@heretic.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:24:32

@aral My teenage daughter told me she’s “not into politics” — which is hilarious because she lives in the SF Bay Area and just doesn’t realize what politics is.

I asked her if she thought her friends should be able to choose their pronouns.

“Well, that’s just being kind, not politics.”


Jargoggles (@jargoggles@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:47:07

@stanley @aral
Some things certainly *shouldn't* be political, but that is a political statement in and of itself.

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:37:14

@stanley @aral tell her she’s cool

André van Schoubroeck

André van Schoubroeck (@GromBeestje@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 14:07:44

@stanley @aral
I guess it boils down to the question what do we mean with politics. And I guess those who say they are not into politics define it as whatever politicians do at their job.


Jargoggles (@jargoggles@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:45:43

Like the old saying goes:

There are two races - white and political.

There are two sexual preferences - straight and political.

There are two genders - men and political.

Mighty Orbot

Mighty Orbot (@mighty_orbot@retro.pizza)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 16:55:10

@aral If someone’s objection over personal “politics” has nothing to do with lawmaking, politicians, or elections, then they’re not opposed to politics; they’re just assholes.

George Girton

George Girton (@martinicat@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 17:00:29

@aral one of the things that no one commenting on your observation that technology is political noted… wait that sounds too complicated. “No politics “also means “no unions “ . No political organization to take the side of the tech workers. Don’t argue! Get back to work!🍸🐈

Lucas Gonze

Lucas Gonze (@lucasgonze@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 19:43:10

@aral So you're good with anti-abortion advocacy at work?

Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN Mi 03.07.2024 20:03:47

@lucasgonze Oh yes, Lucas, that’s exactly what this is about. Gold star for effort, baby.

Kai Klostermann

Kai Klostermann (@OddDev@floss.social)

Föderation EN Do 04.07.2024 19:54:35

@aral Is that about ?😏


Jono (@jono@akkoma.jonoabroad.com)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 09:38:31

@aral @OddDev have they said something stupid already?

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 06:40:29

@aral Female hair is either long or political. Sexual orientation is either heterosexual or political. Gender identity is either cis or political. Clothing is either gender stereotyped and boring or political. City infrastructure is either car-focused or political. Energy is either fossil fuels or political. Education is either white christian propaganda or political.

Everything follows the same pattern, tech included.


ix9 (@ix9@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 09:07:37

@dawngreeter @aral
It's almost as if "political" is code-word for "I don't want to talk about it because it makes me uncomfortable and could lead to conflict, and no one ever taught me how to resolve conflict peacefully, so I'm just going to ignore it "


rob (@robparsons@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:42:12

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral no, it's not about feelings, it's about power. What "I" want is non-political and therefore must be right; what "you" want is "political" and therefore wrong.

The Ides Of Evelyn

The Ides Of Evelyn (@Gorfram@beige.party)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 23:49:28

@ix9 @robparsons @aral @dawngreeter Conflict is about nothing but power: allow the powers-that-be to enforce the status quo that they are happy with; and - voila! - no conflict!

Conflict can also be avoided or addressed in other ways; but those involve work from the aforementioned powers, & sometimes even change 😱😱

CynAq :audhd: 🤘

CynAq :audhd: 🤘 (@CynAq@neurodifferent.me)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:51:45

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral that’s too sophisticated for the majority. “We got ours, fuck you” is more like it.


ix9 (@ix9@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 18:42:30

@CynAq @dawngreeter @aral ha ha ha! fair enough.
I believe I was quoting the underlying unconscious fears. I wouldn't expect them to have that level of insight, either


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:32:31

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral

A powerful and effective weapon used by opponents of change is discomfort. Opposition to equality for gay men has the easiest access to this. All anyone has to do in order to make everyone in the room want to talk about something else is say, "We don't want someone's agenda shoved down our throats."

Funny how that metaphor comes up every single time, but almost never for any other issue, eh?

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:40:50

@Professor_Stevens @ix9 @dawngreeter @aral I wonder how many homophobes pay NSFW artists for that

Julian (♪🌻🥥♫)

Julian (♪🌻🥥♫) (@TFFPrisoner@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 10:25:51

@Professor_Stevens @ix9 @dawngreeter @aral
That's a very good point, and I don't think I've ever wondered about the implications/connotations of that metaphor.


ix9 (@ix9@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 18:27:11

@Professor_Stevens @dawngreeter @aral Yup. It's frustrating. Wanting to live life with the same freedoms and privileges as everyone else is not an agenda. Project 2025 is an agenda.

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:40:16

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral (omg yes I need this on a hoodie or booty shorts)


ix9 (@ix9@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 18:19:46

@MxVerda @dawngreeter @aral Absolutely! I'd give you my real life name and title to include if i knew how to DM on Masta. But i don't.


Flauschdompteur (@diebarschlampe@mas.to)

Föderation DE So 07.07.2024 02:46:03

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral or it is because internet forums - particularly social media with their algorithms and unique dynamics - don't exactly yield themselves for healthy discussion and instead reward rage bait and toxicity.


Hannele (@blagh@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mo 08.07.2024 17:13:04

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral Charitably, sometimes it's an unexamined "I don't think this effects me because it only effects me positively" with some resentment attached because they nevertheless feel like they could lose something. (still problematic, possibly easier to deal with though)


ix9 (@ix9@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mo 08.07.2024 18:34:05

@blagh @dawngreeter @aral For people that take no action to avoid political discussions, maybe. But there are a lot of people who will turn their head and run the other way. I've literally been at parties where a political topic of discussion comes up, and a person leaves the conversation saying, "oh, I don't do politics."


Hannele (@blagh@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Di 09.07.2024 04:40:12

@ix9 @dawngreeter @aral almost for sure the more common thing!


freitagvormittag (@freitagvormittag@toot.bike)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 09:17:19

@dawngreeter @aral food is either meat or political

Maggie Maybe

Maggie Maybe (@maggiejk@zeroes.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 00:29:32

@freitagvormittag @dawngreeter @aral 😂😂 I had actually forgotten about their complete meltdown about the existence of nut milks.



Chris Laprun

Chris Laprun (@metacosm@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:10:15

@dawngreeter @aral anything that deals with three or more people is political… one could even convince me that you could get it down to two or even one person to make something political 😅

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:41:03

@metacosm @dawngreeter @aral I often argue in my own thoughts tbh


rob (@robparsons@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:41:06

@dawngreeter @aral true conversation on a doorstep a few years ago. "We're voting Conservative. My father was Army, my husband was Army, and we're non-political".


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 14:13:24

@robparsons @dawngreeter @aral

I knocked on literally thousands and thousands of doors during my politically active days. The following is, I admit, not quite a literal transcript, but it captures the substance of a conversation I had more than once:

ME: Which way do you go?

VOTER: We mostly vote Republican.

M: Ah. But do you look most at the party, or at the person?

V: Oh we look at the person.

M: That's great!

V: To see if they're a Republican.

Andrew Leer

Andrew Leer (@leean00@discuss.systems)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 16:16:34

@robparsons @dawngreeter @aral So, everything is status-quo or political, eh?

Sounds like there are interests here...

Wonder what they are and why...

Good post!

Alexander Goeres

Alexander Goeres (@jabgoe2089@hub.netzgemeinde.eu)

Föderation · Fr 05.07.2024 11:46:07

@Marko Vujnovic

Sexual orientation is either heterosexual or political
Energy is either fossil fuels or political

so you are association non-heteros with renewables ... from a marketing point of view this is not a winning strategy ...


mousebot (@mousebot@todon.nl)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 12:01:30

@dawngreeter @aral ladybird browser gotta read this thread. :)


aspragg (@aspragg@ohai.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 12:18:06

@dawngreeter @aral The status quo is never "political". Change is political.

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:42:34

@aspragg @dawngreeter @aral I feel like there’s a comparison to make about people finding taboos hot (like change) but wanting the security of the familiar (status quo / expected)

kaiserkiwi :kiwibird:

kaiserkiwi :kiwibird: (@kaiserkiwi@corteximplant.com)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 13:25:19

@aspragg @dawngreeter @aral Keeping the status quo despite the fact it's bad is something many politicians seem to embrace. So I guess the status quo is very VERY political.

Sophia can't sleep ✔

Sophia can't sleep ✔ (@SophiaFree@mastodonapp.uk)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 12:35:44

@dawngreeter @aral You eat like a carnivore, or you are seen as someone, who gives a statement and makes a decision, while food choices are actually always choices.


ありす (@arisu@layer8.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 13:46:10

@dawngreeter @aral It's like everything is political in a way. Even cats?

Maggie Maybe

Maggie Maybe (@maggiejk@zeroes.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 00:31:21

@arisu @dawngreeter @aral Cats are everything

Floating Point Error

Floating Point Error (@aartaka@kopimi.space)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 00:34:18

@arisu @aral @dawngreeter cats are either ginger or political.

Chris Gioran 💔

Chris Gioran 💔 (@chrisg@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 14:11:54

@dawngreeter @aral Are you default or are you political?

David Scott Moyer

David Scott Moyer (@farbel@mas.to)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:08:42

@dawngreeter @aral Change is, by definition, political. I'd say that people using "political" as a derogatory term don't understand its definition. Change is neither good nor bad, it is inevitable and malleable.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale (@miclgael@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:39:01

@farbel @dawngreeter @aral Doing nothing is political.


Zeewater (@Rana@mastodon.nl)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:18:06

@dawngreeter @aral Me coming to the realization I'm just a living breathing ball of politics....


fedithom (@fedithom@social.saarland)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:21:33

@dawngreeter @aral that's SO spot on!

Karel Brits 💬

Karel Brits 💬 (@karelbrits@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:29:43

@dawngreeter this is about the best description I've seen about what is considered political by the ruling powers. @aral

Howard Cohen

Howard Cohen (@hoco@tribe.net)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:56:51

@dawngreeter @aral change is political usually, otherwise something would already have been the status quo.

Andrew Leer

Andrew Leer (@leean00@discuss.systems)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 16:14:12

@dawngreeter @aral That's interesting; that's very interesting.


MFennVT💯Harris2024 (@mfennvt@vermont.masto.host)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 18:11:24

@dawngreeter @aral "Female hair is either long or political."

Until a woman turns 40. Then long hair becomes political.

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:42:53

@mfennvt @dawngreeter @aral huh. What about putting it in a bun?


MFennVT💯Harris2024 (@mfennvt@vermont.masto.host)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 21:39:50

@MxVerda @dawngreeter @aral Could be okay. The hair must be restrained somehow after 40, regardless. Oh, and we have to dye it to hide the grey. We're not allowed to look overtly sexy anymore, but also, we can't look old either. Yay, patriarchy. 🙄

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 22:09:46

@mfennvt @dawngreeter @aral my mom described it as becoming invisible, iirc. Which is shit, especially considering “when I am old, I shall wear purple” or whatever. I’m gonna wear non-standard clothing well before then!


MFennVT💯Harris2024 (@mfennvt@vermont.masto.host)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 22:25:31

@MxVerda @dawngreeter @aral Your mom was right. I try to not play the patriarchy's game, too. ✊️

Maggie Maybe

Maggie Maybe (@maggiejk@zeroes.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 00:33:13

@mfennvt @MxVerda @dawngreeter @aral They’re going to hate me. I am letting the grey grow, but coloring it with Blue Overtone for dark hair. I absolutely love it.

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 00:34:56

@maggiejk @mfennvt @dawngreeter @aral the only thing I don’t look forward to about grey hair (actually, the lack of melanin might affect SPF protection for your scalp? I don’t like that either)

Is that I’ve heard it’s harder to dye

Mx Verda

Mx Verda (@MxVerda@lgbtqia.space)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 02:23:22

@mfennvt @maggiejk @dawngreeter @aral but I want green hair. Dysphoria feels odd to use but I feel “correct” when my hair is pastel lime green


MFennVT💯Harris2024 (@mfennvt@vermont.masto.host)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 02:25:55

@MxVerda @maggiejk @dawngreeter @aral Gotcha. Hopefully, it'll work better than you think it will. :)

Mr. Completely

Mr. Completely (@mrcompletely@heads.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 19:43:28

@dawngreeter @aral very beautifully said

Rosemary The Salty

Rosemary The Salty (@athena_rose922@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 19:46:49

@dawngreeter @aral don't forget race is either white or "political."


LisPi (@lispi314@udongein.xyz)

Föderation · Fr 05.07.2024 20:07:06

@dawngreeter @craigbro @aral > Female hair is either long or political.

This is a lot funnier (in the noticing hypocrisy sense) if considered with a historical perspective, because in a *lot* of nations the norm has greatly varied between the two.

> Energy is either fossil fuels or political.

Imagine thinking something you can't build a dyson sphere for is the future. Pathetic.

> City infrastructure is either car-focused or political.

Imagine worshipping a failed experiment that had demonstrated itself inefficient beyond belief after less than 60 years and remains worse on that metric than all other prior widely adopted alternatives. Pathetic.

Reid :ablobcatattention:

Reid :ablobcatattention: (@Reiddragon@fedi.reimu.info)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:14:11

@dawngreeter @aral > Female hair is either long or political

fun fact: about 150 years ago having long hair was the most masculine shit

then ofc there's all the stuff we associate with femininity these days that started out as being for men like high heels

almost as if there's nothing in nature that dictates these things and instead are just shit we make up as a society

Michael Sokolov

Michael Sokolov (@msokolov@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 21:01:51

@dawngreeter @aral to me the science better not be religion or I'm going to get political


Yuriel (@Yuriel@kind.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 01:31:36

@dawngreeter @aral Video games and movies version: All protagonists are straight white dudes or political "forced inclusivity." 😒

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 03:02:12

@Yuriel @aral I think they give some room to female characters in games on the condition that their depiction is as close to pornographic as possible.

But anatomically correct female characters are definitely incredibly political. Doubly so if they are not smiling with full makeup.

Mirko Schenk

Mirko Schenk (@mort@procial.tchncs.de)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 10:47:05

@CatDragon@mastodon.world @dawngreeter@dice.camp @aral@mastodon.ar.al
True. When I had long hair, there was no traffic check I wasn't pulled out.

Jigme Datse

Jigme Datse (@jigmedatse@social.jigmedatse.com)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 02:10:16

@dawngreeter @aral@mastodon.ar.al I vote for political.

Celes 🌙

Celes 🌙 (@celestia@tech.lgbt)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 07:52:05

@dawngreeter @aral the sudden urge to become very political :ablobcatattention:

Eleanor LNR Blair

Eleanor LNR Blair (@lnr@tech.lgbt)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 09:48:47

@dawngreeter @aral bodies are slim, without a visible disability, or they are political.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 15:06:07

@lnr @aral That one is particularly insidious....


Janneke (@janneke@todon.nl)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 13:30:33

@dawngreeter @aral
Male hair is either short or political. Male faces are either shaved or political. Male clothing is either a suit or political. You either wear shoes or are political. Relationships are either strictly (or serial?) monogamous or political. Your software is either backdoored big-tech surveillance or political. Your social media is either big-tech spyware or political. Your education is either classroom and strictly year group based with a fixed mandatory curriculum and tests or political. Your diet is either full of animal cruelty or political.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 14:58:45

@janneke @aral I think male hair and beard is allowed greater variation without being political. Beard in particular has been featured more and more as a traditional masculine thing in recent years.


Janneke (@janneke@todon.nl)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 15:18:43

@dawngreeter @aral
Yeah, men may have some more room to play with (except possibly clothing for official occasions). So yeah, instead of "short" it would be more accurate to say "either not too long or political".


oldguycrusty (@oldguycrusty@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 18:27:12

@dawngreeter @aral

I think this is sort of the essense of and where anything 'other' is castigated as 'alien and wrong' and therefore must inherently be trying to crush the order.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 00:47:10

@oldguycrusty @aral I tend to agree. And the weaponization of that, especially within Internet communities, is to label all of that as political.

Please, don't bring up the topic of people different from me just existing into this community, that is political!


kccqzy (@kccqzy@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 19:37:07

@dawngreeter @waldoj @aral This reminds me why I hate politics, something that seems to consume every discussion and every topic.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 00:42:54

@kccqzy @waldoj @aral Conversation topics are either comfortable and familiar or political.


kccqzy (@kccqzy@techhub.social)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 01:17:53

@dawngreeter @waldoj @aral I reject this dichotomy. Why can't topics simply be either comfortable or uncomfortable? Why can't topics be both uncomfortable and yet not political?

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 01:22:26

@kccqzy @waldoj @aral Excellent question. Why are you uncomfortable with topics being political?


kccqzy (@kccqzy@techhub.social)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 01:25:00

@dawngreeter @waldoj @aral Whenever something is political or is even seen to be political, people seem to suddenly have very strong and possibly irrational reactions towards them. That's not IMO the correct way to get people to talk about it in a productive way. People assign themselves into political camps and have herd mentality. But if something isn't political, there is more individual and original thought.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 01:33:19

@kccqzy @waldoj @aral Excellent explanation how things from a certain reactionary perspective are either comfortable or political.

Jonathan Schofield

Jonathan Schofield (@urlyman@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 10:08:18

@dawngreeter @kccqzy @waldoj @aral

Seems to me this is one of those areas where in order for words to have utility, there is a kind of semantic boundary between the political and something else, but it’s a spectrum, not a binary.

At some point on the spectrum the word ‘political’ stops seeming appropriate in discourse. But where that is is shaped by privilege. That privilege needs persistent challenging and people don’t like it. Tiny violins, cos more equal societies are happier in aggregate


KalleMP (@kallemp@cr8r.gg)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 20:36:33

@dawngreeter @aral I wonder what you would think if I suggested that the word "divisive" would be more accurate than "political" and mainstream-media propaganda is used to make it LOOK political to hide the true purpose.

There are so many things in the media that appear political but have no real business in politics at all. They should not be subject to laws and political interference. These weaponized topics have been used to divide people and promote irrational agendas that enrich the friends of the groups that lobby the elected officials.

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 20:54:32

@kallemp @aral Without going into too much detail, I'll just save some time and say that based on your profile picture I am sure you did not understand what I wrote and we do not agree on anything.


KalleMP (@kallemp@cr8r.gg)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 21:10:54

@dawngreeter @aral Dear Marko, What can a profile picture even tell, yours is cryptic but if I wanted to have my feelings hurt I might be able to find something in it, but why. You make a huge assumption based on a single data point and this is a big part of what I was trying to get across. People are being divided from each other based on hundreds of issues that should not divide us but get us talking. The goal of those that rule us is to make us think we have nothing in common with other people. I cannot see this as true and am surprised you would think it even possible in your case.

I am guessing you would agree that people should have access to clean water, if you do them we DO AGREE on something.

I just realized that perhaps you were not replying to me, I am not sure how the tagging is done on mastodon.

No matter, debate or not, all the same to me, just seems pointless to start discussing things if you don't want to discuss things.


Cali (@cali@chaosfem.tw)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 01:34:23

@dawngreeter I hate how real this is.


Zergling_man (@Zergling_man@sacred.harpy.faith)

Föderation · So 07.07.2024 13:04:58

@dawngreeter @aral >dice.camp
>has based opinions
What's a guy like you doing on a place like that

(da/dt) -> inf

(da/dt) -> inf (@ghlyffe@toot.cat)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 21:03:58

@dawngreeter @aral The intersections of these can cause real cognitive dissonance from the people spouting them, too.
As an example, my mother always hated when i started growing my hair longer because it's too feminine (I wasn't out as trans yet); for my birthday this year, it became "real women keep their hair short". XD
It really goes to show what I've seen in some of the other comments here about politics, conflict and power, as well as letting you see the hierarchy of politics of an individual based on which things trump which others.

Rachael Ava 💁🏻‍♀️

Rachael Ava 💁🏻‍♀️ (@RachaelAva1024@tech.lgbt)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 21:42:03

@dawngreeter @aral If my FOSS projects have a "no politics" rule, it's because I want to keep political talk out and strictly focus on the project at hand. Nobody wants to deal with trolls turning Git issues and PRs into a cesspool of nonsense. Unless you're the kind of person who hurts other people, I don't care what you are. If you're able to cordially volunteer to the project with positive intent, that's great!

Laura Lis Scott

Laura Lis Scott (@LLS@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 22:06:55

@RachaelAva1024 @dawngreeter @aral That works only if you already have a solid CoC in place. bc men dominating conversations, talking over women, harassing women is political. Able-bodied people tossing accessibility on the back burner is political. Not inviting women, queer folks, POC to speak at events is political. All in the name of “no politics”

Pushback against even the slightest efforts to change the status quo garners outrage about “politics”!

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 23:09:21

@LLS @RachaelAva1024 @aral And in addition to that, if focusing on the project is truly the goal, the same rules would surely apply to people arguing about Rise of Skywalker or Emacs vs vim. Yet no one ever puts down "no movies" or "no text editors" notes. It is always just "no politics".

Laura Lis Scott

Laura Lis Scott (@LLS@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 23:46:46

@dawngreeter @RachaelAva1024 @aral some years ago, in a large FOSS project community I was part of, a huge conflict erupted over proposed changes in the code—specifically: removing/revising gender-biased language incl on-screen text riddled throughout the repo

the submitted patches & the ppl doing the work were attacked as “political”

ofc resistance to change was “not political”

3yrs later a similar battle erupted over simply establishing a Code of Conduct

Marko Vujnovic

Marko Vujnovic (@dawngreeter@dice.camp)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 23:53:13

@LLS @RachaelAva1024 @aral Entirely unsurprising. I've seen grown men go on ridiculous tirades over changing "blacklist" to "denylist". White men, of course.

So in this topsy-turvy world we inhabit, denylist is political but blacklist isn't.

Silvester zum Knast

Silvester zum Knast (@eibart@zirk.us)

Föderation EN Mo 08.07.2024 22:09:15

@dawngreeter @aral
literally everything.
Literature also follows that pattern: a novel is either pro status quo or political

Martijn Vos

Martijn Vos (@mcv@friendica.opensocial.space)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 09:33:07


If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies.

I know that's how it often works out in practice: "no politics" meaning "my politics", but from a reasonable perspective, it's the exclusion of people for who they are that is political. "No politics" should mean "don't you dare exclude or discriminate anyone for who they are".

Raul Portales

Raul Portales (@Sh41@androiddev.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 10:21:43

@aral I'd say many people do that without malice. They are just so used to the privileged position they internalised as normal (which society promotes) that they are unable to realize what they're doing.

Some are even very receptive when you show them that, and turn into quite powerful allies.

Sven Slootweg

Sven Slootweg (@joepie91@social.pixie.town)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 15:42:56

@Sh41 @aral That's their problem, though, and they shouldn't make their ignorance the problem of marginalized folks. The effect is the same regardless of whether it's with malice or not.

By all means, if you can afford the time and energy, try and turn people around, because yes, it's often possible. But it's not a thing you can expect of anyone else, and it's not helpful to raise it as a 'defense' against this sort of criticism.


SellaTheChemist (@sellathechemist@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 10:26:13

@aral I think you should expand that to Science AND Technology are political.
There is no greater indication of the fact that certain politicians attack the science they find unpalatable.

Scott Matter

Scott Matter (@scottmatter@aus.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:01:56


Paraphrasing from the field of research, there’s no such thing as apolitical, everyone’s got a political position whether we acknowledge it or state it explicitly or not. The opposite of politics isn’t “no politics” it’s bad politics.

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde (@cybertailor@wetdry.world)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 18:02:34

@scottmatter @aral in depolitized societies people literally have no opinion. Of course when public opinion researchers ask them questions, they say what first came in their head

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins (@trib@aus.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:09:39

@aral @scottmatter *all* labor is political - you sell your skills, effort, and time for a return and *who* you sell it to matters. What you do and how you do it matters. Work is observable as a political act.


sortius (@sortius@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 11:27:54

@aral this is why I'm deadset against the dickheads who demanded politics be CWed. Not only is that massive toxic privilege, it stifles those of us whose very survival is dictated by political winds.

I say fuck em, and post in their faces!

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧

mgorny-nyan (he) :autism:🙀🚂🐧 (@mgorny@social.treehouse.systems)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 14:58:53


Everything that happens in a civilized society is political. Everything you do is political. Also, everything that you *don't do* is political as well. A decision to "stay out of politics" is also political. In fact, even if you really meant it and literally moved to an uninhabited island and cut off all contact with the rest of humanity, that would be a political decision as well.

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde (@cybertailor@wetdry.world)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 17:32:45

@mgorny @aral if everything is political, then nothing is political.

Depolitization doesn't need to be political to be dangerous.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: (@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me)

Föderation · Fr 05.07.2024 15:00:04

@aral And the way technology gets designed is very political, after all "code is law".
As proven many times by the software used and made for public services and utility companies.

Mx Amber Alex (she/it)

Mx Amber Alex (she/it) (@amberage@eldritch.cafe)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 17:01:59

@aral politiycised, really. Our existence is politicised. It shouldn't be political, but it's made political by people who don't want us to exist at all.

Raphael Lullis

Raphael Lullis (@raphael@mastodon.communick.com)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 17:29:42

@aral I honestly do not see how it follows. Is the argument that we can not separate people from their work and political motivations?

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde

yoshi, the dinosaur from kde (@cybertailor@wetdry.world)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 17:35:41


people whose very existence is political in our societies

Who made my existence political and why do I need to play by their rules?


Muiris (@Muiris@mastodon.ie)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 17:45:14

@aral Not political = 🇺🇦 ,
Political = 🇵🇸

ארי Eri

ארי Eri (@Erithorn@tooot.im)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 18:38:12


A very privileged thing to say, not surprising from someone with the look a white man.

Have you ever had to be a jew listening to antisemitic comments but it's a political debate and you're a minority and don't want to cause a fuss so you keep to yourself

People supporting anti Trans, anti LGBT agendas, parties and countries. Being a woman or an immigrant or a fugitive discussed as a political matter.

So easy to ignore how toxic a place it can create, when it's not aimed at you.

Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 20:27:56

@Erithorn I believe you’ve misunderstood my post. This is about a project telling people who wanted to use inclusive language in their documentation that they shouldn’t bring their “political agenda” to the table because “no politics”.

In tech circles, at least, if an org says “no politics”, it usually means no politics except ours.

(PS. I’m from the Middle East. So, yeah, I know a thing or two about being discriminated against. Sorry to hear of your experiences with antisemitism.)

Jason Petersen (he)

Jason Petersen (he) (@jason@logoff.website)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 18:52:42

@aral @theory I don’t know how this is translated for most country cultures but in the US if a place is “not political” you can bet your ass it’s only enforced against things done by people in the outgroup.

I’ve never seen a “no politics” workplace let gay couples bring photos of their spouses for their desks but kick out a straight person for doing the same. Not once.

Petr Kučera

Petr Kučera (@bzzzwa@mas.to)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 22:44:12

@aral Thank you for saying it!

Amelie Wikström

Amelie Wikström (@amelie@kind.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 01:41:09

You're absolutely right here. Define politics: The only consistent meaning I've heard is "The study of the distribution of limited resources." In this case, for a start, we could take "jobs" as one limited resource. The tech sector gives more jobs to men than to women. Right away this is a political act, and refusing to discuss it is acting in support of it.

Something about trying to deny having personal responsibilities as an inevitable part of being born in this world. . .

Adam van Sertima

Adam van Sertima (@adamvs1@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 03:53:02

@aral In liberal democracies “Politics” is usually meant narrowly as “party politics” which is portrayed as a horse race between jack asses. So folks turn off about politics (and many pols like that).

Politics is how we ‘decide’ to live together, and who has the power to influence that. Which is why we get to vote for or against representatives, but have no similar democratic rights at work regarding bosses(this is a very bad situation IMHO).
Politics could be different.


this.ven (@thisven@digitalcourage.social)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 06:42:23

@aral Lately, an event proposal for collectively watching a debate of @epicenter_works from an engaged student has been rejected at my university since it was "too political".

However, a public viewing of a European championship soccer match was allowed. 🙄 The university administration itself took care of the organization.

Background: The same student was telling the dean – who rejected the event proposal – in a lecture that it's racist to say "You know, the common russian is spying on us".


joui (@maz@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 10:04:36

@aral , have been voided of meaning in a similar manner, being all time favourites in the conflict management phrasebook to silence dissent top down: "Y'all *just* have to calm down!" Also #1 abuse of : "Why? I am communicating non violent, he's the asshole!"


mzan (@mzan@qoto.org)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 12:10:56

@aral Usually the meaning of "no politics" clause means "no off-topic politics", because it is usually: a waste of time; divisive; without beneficial effects on the real-world.

You cannot solve all the problems of the world in a project. So you had to decide what are on-topic business politic decisions that are worth to discuss and share, and what it is outside of project scope.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶  #FBPE

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE (@TimWardCam@c.im)

Föderation EN Sa 06.07.2024 14:02:10

@aral As in the old "we're not political, we always vote Conservative".


S.P.Zeidler (@spz@mastodon.sdf.org)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 08:29:31

@aral ok, so how do you say "so your polity will have elections and you care a lot, and one or two other persons on our lists may, too, but the rest of us don't live there and don't care, put a sock in about how great 'your' politician is, this is not your canvassing venue"?

Just because the US right have weaponized the words "politics" to mean "everything of any societal impact" and "polite" to mean "I can harass anybody not white+male" we can't use them any more? Which can we use instead?

Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 09:52:17

@spz I think you misunderstand. This isn’t about turning your issue tracker into r/politics. It’s about some organisations and projects barring anything they deem “political” from affecting the decisions taken by the org/project. It stems from a particular “no politics” project rejecting gender-neutral language because it is political. In other words, it’s about orgs/projects rejecting certain people and their needs because it js deemed “political”. Which is, itself, political.


S.P.Zeidler (@spz@mastodon.sdf.org)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 10:19:40

@aral sorry, bear with me. I'm not steeped in US usage. How do I express the one without implying the other?

I want to express e.g. "I think trans/racist/gender slurs are nasty and I don't want to see them, ever" without writing a sermon and without inviting rules lawyering of the "but you didn't list this kind of nastiness".

"Be polite to everybody" used to be a short expected behaviour description. It's not meant to say "you can't complain about being treated unfairly". So how?

Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN So 07.07.2024 10:29:28

@spz You express it by stating clearly, as you’ve just done, that one of the political stances your organisation/project takes is that bigotry is not allowed.


​ (@mintplague@fsebugoutzone.org)

Föderation · So 07.07.2024 15:16:18

@aral >people whose very existence is political in our societies.
All self-imposed. Literally nothing stops them from contributing code without making a fuss about how they don't receive preferable treatment.


Nekaī (@nekayee@furry.engineer)

Föderation EN Mo 08.07.2024 08:23:57

If you talk about politics every. single. day. you will indeed start to believe that non-political things are political. Inclusion is nowhere near a political problem. It is a social problem. Talking about the problem 24/7 isn't going to solve it. Actions solve this problem.

No politics means "we don't want to hear about every single issue in the world because this project won't ever be able to solve all of them, so let's put our energy into actually making this particular program better"

We should definitely do our best to make technology accessible for everyone; The recent incident with a certain project shows there is a long way ahead of us. But the problem you mentioned has nothing to do with politics, rather it is a social issue which is a very big difference.

Billy Smith

Billy Smith (@BillySmith@social.coop)

Föderation EN Di 09.07.2024 13:28:25


The London Hackspace doesn't have a "No Politics" rule.

It has a "No political conversations on the mailing list" rule.

This reduces flame-wars and online arguments.

What our members say to each other in-person is their own responsibility. :D