
Juan Luis

Juan Luis (@astrojuanlu@social.juanlu.space)

Föderation EN Sa 11.11.2023 19:50:27

Excellent writeup by @prokoudine about redesigning menus of complex programs. I love this solution of using a menu with an integrated search bar, akin to having a command palette while still retaining logical grouping of actions.

Wish @libreoffice could have something like it.


Screenshot of a menu with an integrated search bar

(Medien: 1)


LibreOffice (@libreoffice@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN So 12.11.2023 11:06:20

@astrojuanlu @prokoudine Like this? (Added to LibreOffice a few major releases ago.)

Screenshot of tool to search commands in menus

(Medien: 1)

Alexandre Prokoudine

Alexandre Prokoudine (@prokoudine@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 12.11.2023 13:08:27

@libreoffice @astrojuanlu That's not about just the searching through menus — GIMP has had that since 2010 in dev and since 2018 in a release. It's about having a substitution for menu (plus search) when you don't have one.


LibreOffice (@libreoffice@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN So 12.11.2023 15:21:44

@prokoudine @astrojuanlu Ah, OK. You can submit an enhancement request at bugs.documentfoundation.org – But of course, we're a volunteer-driven project with very limited resources. So the best way to get a new feature is to join the community and help out, or fund developers! 😊

Juan Luis

Juan Luis (@astrojuanlu@social.juanlu.space)

Föderation EN So 12.11.2023 13:15:13

@libreoffice @prokoudine Yep, like that, thanks for the pointer. Kind of buried in the release notes, and its official docs don't feature any screenshot help.libreoffice.org/7.6/en-US but good to know it exists