
Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:39:09

what's the laziest dark mode implementation? is there a 3-liner code change? 😄 asking for a friend (not me)

Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:55:34

@cheeaun thanks! I'll tell my friend... 😄

Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:57:02

@aral @cheeaun Thanks Aral, I will play around!

Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:58:41

@ayo @cheeaun PS. There was an issue with full screen videos getting inverted by mistake on some browser, will look it up and send you a link to the fix

Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:59:42

@aral @cheeaun that sounds like a fun bug to not fix 😄

Metin Seven 🎨

Metin Seven 🎨 (@metin@graphics.social)

Föderation EN Do 16.05.2024 14:43:09

@ayo Put on sunglasses. 😎