
Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Sa 18.05.2024 10:25:25

@cheeaun perfect! Thanks so much 🙏

Chee Aun 🤔

Chee Aun 🤔 (@cheeaun@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 18.05.2024 10:29:32

@ayo no problem. To be honest, your CSS code ain't uh… pretty 😂 `.card { margin-left: -40px }` is quite hacky lol

Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Sa 18.05.2024 10:37:47

@cheeaun haha yeah I’m not very good at this. I had same funny code comments there before like that, but I think I removed. Also have to break down the big template and extract .html just for the cards,